Green business dialogue

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Green Business Dialogue e. V.
legal form registered association
founding December 14, 2018 in Berlin
founder Thomas Gambke
Seat Berlin, Hamburg
purpose sustainability
Chair Thomas Gambke
Managing directors Gabriele C. Klug

The Green Business Dialogue e. V. (GWD) is a non-party association of companies and people who want to ensure mutual understanding and open communication between companies and politics in general and political decision-makers from Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in particular.


From the GWD's point of view, the existing economic model must be further developed into a socio-ecological market economy so that the challenges of global warming can be adequately met and at the same time the industrial location Germany can be made sustainable. The goal is therefore to promote this economic and social transformation in the sense of a Green New Deal . To this end, the Green Business Dialogue organizes the exchange between political actors and companies that are committed to the goals of the association.

Individual evidence

  1. Cordula Tutt: Eco party: Greens want to be whispered by entrepreneurs. Retrieved February 19, 2020 .
  2. Greens want a socio-ecological market economy. March 23, 2019, accessed January 30, 2020 .
  3. Platform for the exchange of business and politics. Retrieved February 11, 2020 .