Graubürzel song hawk

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Graubürzel song hawk
Graubürzel song hawk

Graubürzel song hawk

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Birds of prey (Accipitriformes)
Family : Hawk species (Accipitridae)
Genre : Song hawk ( Melierax )
Type : Graubürzel song hawk
Scientific name
Melierax metabates
Heuglin , 1861
Melierax metabates

The Dark Chanting Goshawk or Small Singhabicht ( Melierax metabates ) is a bird of prey in Africa from the family of Accipitridae (Accipitridae).


The Graubürzel singing hawk reaches a body length of 38 to 51 cm and a wingspan of 86 to 104 cm. With an average weight of 512 to 852 g, the females are larger and heavier than the males with 478 to 700 g. The physique corresponds to that of a hawk or sparrow . The top, wings and head are dark gray, the chest and throat light gray. The wings and tail are slate gray to black. The tip of the tail is white, the strong, yellow bill has a gray tip. The legs are red, the leg plumage, the underside of the tail and the belly are striped gray and white.

Way of life

Its diet mainly includes small reptiles and birds up to the size of pigeons, less often small mammals , amphibians and insects .

The nest is built at a height of 3–10 m, it consists of twigs, mud and grass. The female lays one or two gray-blue eggs and incubates them for 36–38 days. The young birds fledge after 45–50 days.


The Graubürzel singing hawk lives in savannahs and open woodlands. It occurs in large parts of Africa south of the Sahara. Ferguson-Lees & Christie recognize four subspecies: M. m. metabates (Senegal to southwest Arabia, south to northern Tanzania), M. m. theresae (Southwest Morocco), M. m. ignoscens (Southwest Arabia) and M. m. mechowi (Uganda and Tanzania south to north-east South Africa).


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b J. Ferguson-Lees, DA Christie: Raptors of the World. Christopher Helm, London, 2001: p. 510. ISBN 0-7136-8026-1


  • J. Ferguson-Lees, DA Christie: Raptors of the World. Christopher Helm, London 2001. ISBN 0-7136-8026-1

Web links

Commons : Melierax metabates  - collection of images, videos and audio files