Gray bandage bedstraw

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Gray bandage bedstraw
Gray banded bedstraw (Epirrhoe alternata)

Gray banded bedstraw ( Epirrhoe alternata )

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Spanner (Geometridae)
Subfamily : Larentiinae
Genre : Epirrhea
Type : Gray bandage bedstraw
Scientific name
Epirrhoe alternata
( OV Müller , 1764)
Gray bandage bedstraw

The gray banded bedstraw ( Epirrhoe alternata ) is a butterfly ( moth ) from the Spanner family (Geometridae).


The moths reach a wingspan of about 25 millimeters. Their forewings are patterned gray at the base of their wings, after a narrow, light band comes a wide, brown patterned band, which is followed by an almost pure, light band. Behind it, on the outer edge of the wing, the animals are again dark brown and gray.


  • Phalaena alternata Müller , 1764
  • Cidaria islandica Prout , 1915
  • Phalaena sociata Borkhausen , 1794


They live on the edges of forests , hedges, but also in gardens and parks.

Way of life

Flight and caterpillar times

The gray banded bedstraw forms two generations a year, which fly from late April to mid-June and from mid-July to late September. The caterpillars can be found from July to September (first generation) and in June of the following year (second generation). The pupa hibernates.

Food of the caterpillars

The caterpillars feed on bedstraw ( Galium spec.)


Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Koch , Wolfgang Heinicke, Bernd Müller: We determine butterflies. Volume 4: Spanner. 2nd, improved and enlarged edition. Neumann, Leipzig / Radebeul 1976, DNB 780451570 .


  • Günter Ebert (Hrsg.): The butterflies of Baden-Württemberg Volume 8, Nachtfalter VI (Spanner (Geometridae) 1st part), Ulmer Verlag Stuttgart 2001. ISBN 3-800-13497-7

Web links

Commons : Graubinden-Bedkrautspanner  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files