Gray wing trumpeter bird

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Gray wing trumpeter bird
Gray wing trumpeter bird

Gray wing trumpeter bird

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Crane birds (Gruiformes)
Family : Trumpeter birds (Psophiidae)
Genre : Trumpeter birds ( Psophia )
Type : Gray wing trumpeter bird
Scientific name
Psophia crepitans
Linnaeus , 1758

The Gray Wing Trompetervogel ( Psophia crepitans ) is a 46 to 53 centimeter great representative of the family of trumpeter birds .


These animals have black plumage except for the eponymous broad, gray wings with brown, white spots. The metallic blue shiny breast plumage is very striking. The base of the beak is black and the tip is green-bluish. The strong legs are gray. In terms of plumage, the sexes do not differ from one another, with the males being slightly larger than the females. The weight of the individual animals is between 1 and 1.5 kilograms.

distribution and habitat

The gray-winged trumpeter bird is found in the rainforests of Ecuador , southern Colombia , Peru , Guyana , Suriname , French Guyana and south to the Amazon .

Way of life

These diurnal birds live together in small groups of up to 6–8 animals. They search the forest floor for insects, fruits, and nuts to feed on. Often they also pursue tree-dwelling animals e.g. B. monkeys to pick up their fallen fruit. They are bad fliers, but spend the night in the trees at heights of up to 10 meters. They like to bathe in shallow pools and then spread their wings to dry them. They make very loud trumpeting tones to warn of dangers, to mark their territory or to scare off intruders. Life expectancy is around 10 years.


a brooding gray-winged trumpeter bird

During courtship, the males perform a spectacular dance in a clearing, in which they strut along in front of the female, hop around and perform various dances. Several males often mate with one female. The nest is created in tree hollows or in the crown of palm trees at a height of about 6 meters or on the ground. The female lays 6 to 10 white or green colored eggs. The breeding business is done by the female alone. The young are refugees. After hatching, the young birds immediately search for food independently.

Hazards and protective measures

Since this species is slowly declining, it is classified by the IUCN as (Near Threatened ) potentially endangered. The reasons for this are hunting, logging, illegal animal trade and the conversion of their living space into agricultural land. To protect the species, several protected areas have been designated in their habitat. The natives of the area keep these animals as pets.


  • The great encyclopedia of birds Page: 122, 125 Orbis Verlag 1996 ISBN 3-572-00810-7
  • Atlas of the bird world Page: 236 Unipart Verlag GmbH Remseck near Stuttgart 1994 ISBN 3-8122-3399-1
  • Animals The large picture encyclopedia with over 2000 species Page: 305 Dorling Kindersley Verlag GmbH, Munich 2001, 2006, 2012 ISBN 978-3-8310-2232-8

Web links

Commons : Gray Wing Trumpeter Bird  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files