Gray head reads

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Gray head reads
Gray head (Halcyon leucocephala)

Gray head ( Halcyon leucocephala )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Rockers (Coraciiformes)
Family : Kingfishers (Alcedinidae)
Subfamily : Lieste (Halcyoninae)
Genre : Halcyon
Type : Gray head reads
Scientific name
Halcyon leucocephala
( Statius Müller , 1776)
Halcyon leucocephala

The gray head ( Halcyon leucocephala ) is a common kingfisher on the African continent ; five subspecies are known: Halcyon leucocephala leucocephala , H. l. hyacinthina , H. l. pallidiventris , H. l. acteon , H. l. semicaerulea .


The gray head is a smaller representative of the genus Halcyon and reaches a size of 22 cm. The bird has a red beak, a gray head, a reddish breast and black and blue colored upper wings.


The distribution area of ​​the gray head tiger is in Africa south of the Sahara. It ranges from the Cape Verde Islands in the west and the Arabian Peninsula in the east to southern Africa. Its diet consists mainly of insects (including grasshoppers), smaller reptiles and amphibians.


Web links

Commons : Graukopfiest  - album with pictures, videos and audio files