Gregor Lange (composer)

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Gregor Lange (* around 1552 in Havelberg ; † May 1, 1587 in Breslau , Silesia ) was a German cantor and composer in Frankfurt (Oder).


His year of birth is uncertain (around 1552 or around 1540?). Gregor Lange attended the cathedral school in Havelberg and had been a student at the University of Frankfurt since 1573. In 1574 he became cantor at the Marienkirche and the city school ( schola senatorium ). In 1580 he had to quit his job due to physical limitations (gout or accident) and lived as a free musician and composer.

In 1583 Lange moved to Breslau, where he was supported by the merchant Zehenter. After 1585 he lived in the Hieronymus Hospital.


Wedding and congratulatory music, songs and motets by Gregor Lange have been preserved. His German songs, which were also set to the lute, were widely used. Lange's choral music was shaped by the compositions of Orlando di Lasso .

  • Audi dulcis amica mea , wedding song for gamedion Adam Bolfras and Sara Cuno, five-part, 1574,
  • Cantiones aliquot novae 5 et 6 voc. , 1580, 1586
  • Epithalamia Laz. Opilio for Anna Trost, 1581, with J. Belitz
  • Media Vita , five-part motet on the death of Andreas Musculus
  • Cantiones Duae , 6 voc., For the wedding of Martin Nosler and Eva Melhorn, 1582
  • Cantio gratulationis , 1584
  • Liber secundus cantionum sacrar. , four to ten voices, 1584
  • Newe German songs with three voices , 1584, 1588, 1592, 1593, 1598
  • Symbolum Francisci Virlingi , five-part, 1585
  • Confession of sins and prayer , four-part, 1585
  • The other part newer German songs , three-part, 1586, 1590, 1597
  • Epithalamion , five-part, 1586

In publications by other authors

  • Gregor Krengel: Tabulatura nova , including four songs and two motets by Gregor Lange, arranged for the lute, Frankfurt 1584
  • Demantius: New German songs by Gregor Lange, set for five voices, 1615
  • Fritz Bosse: New German songs with three voices , Merseburger, 1968


  • Heinrich Grimm:  Lange, Gregor. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 13, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1982, ISBN 3-428-00194-X , p. 558 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • L. Gallwitz: The new German songs of 1584 and 1586 by Gregor Lange. Dissertation Wroclaw, 1960
  • Heinrich Grimm: Master of Renaissance music at the Viadrina . Frankfurt / O., 1942. pp. 191-195, u. ö.
  • Gregor Lange . In: Music in the past and present . Volume 8.

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