Gregorio de Laferrère

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Gregorio de Laferrère

Gregorio de Laferrère (born March 8, 1867 in Buenos Aires , † November 30, 1913 there ) was an Argentine politician and writer.


Laferrère came from a family of very wealthy large landowners of French descent; his parents were Alfonso de Laferrère and Mercedes Pereda. Like his brothers, he received his first instruction from private tutors ; then he studied at the Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires . After graduating, he began - under the pseudonym "Abel Stewart Escalda" - to write for the magazine El Fígaro .

Politically interested, Laferrère was also politically active from this time on. Supported by his friend, José María Miró (1867-1896), he became a member of the Partido Autonomista Nacional (PAN) and in 1891 he was elected mayor of Morón ( Province of Buenos Aires ).


Laferrère is - alongside his compatriot Roberto Payró and Florencio Sánchez ( Uruguay ) - one of the most important authors of the Rioplatensian theater. His comedies have been and still are played with success.

Laferrère's work consists largely of satirical comedies. His tragic comedies were less successful; his Bajo la garra was discussed very controversially by both the public and the critics. In this play, Laferrère tried to hold up a mirror to society in terms of social criticism.

In addition, Laferrère also wrote some stories that have appeared in magazines such as Caras y Caretas . His only novel Andrea was supposed to be banned by the censors and therefore remained unpublished.


The village of Gregorio de Laferrère was named in his honor.

Works (selection)

Single issues

  • Jettatore . 1904.
  • Locos de verano . 1905.
  • Bajo la garra . 1906.
  • Las de Barranco . 1908.
  • Los invisibles . 1911.

Work edition

  • Obras escogidas . Buenos Aires 1943.


  • Rosa A. Fabbri: Mi amigo Gregorio de Laferrère . Editorial Plus Ultra, Buenos Aires 1981.
  • Julio Imbert: Gregorio de Laferrère . Editorial Culturales Argentinas, Buenos Aires 1962.
  • Adolfo Miter: Laferrère. Señor de una época . In: Revista dd estudios de teatro , Vol. 3 (1963), Issue 7, pp. 7-12. ISSN  0034-8171
  • Dieter Reichardt (Ed.): Author Lexicon Latin America . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt / M. 1992, ISBN 3-518-40485-7 , p. 74.
  • Ricardo Rojas : Historia de la litteratura argentina, vol. 8 . Editorial Kraft, Buenos Aires 1957.
  • David Viñas: Literatura argentinas y realidad política. La crisis de la ciudad liberal . Editorial Siglo Veinte, Buenos Aires 1973.