Grenadiers on horseback

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Argentine Granaderos a Caballo

The grenadiers on horseback are a class of cavalry . Originally, like the Dragoons, it was mounted infantry . The term grenadiers was used to refer to an initial armament with hand grenades, but since the early 18th century has mostly served to illustrate the elite status of this troop.

Usually they were equipped like dragoons, but mostly wore grenadier caps . As with the dragoons, their origins in the infantry were evident in their appearance for a long time: gaiters instead of riding boots (for work on foot), drums instead of kettledrum, trumpets instead of fanfares, flags instead of standards, etc. In the middle of the 18th century, the equipment was the same the cavalry mostly completely.


In Argentina, General José de San Martín established a “Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo” in 1812, which was dissolved in 1826. Rebuilt in 1903, it is now called the “Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo General San Martín” and serves as the presidential guard in historical uniforms.



In the old Prussian army , the Dragoon Regiment III carried the title of "Grenadiers on Horseback" from 1714 because of its services in the Battle of Malplaquet , but had to give up this title again in 1741 because of its failure in the Battle of Mollwitz .

The regiment was divided into Dragoon Regiment III and Dragoon Regiment IV, the grenadier caps had to be handed over to the 42nd Infantry Regiment. After the disaster of 1806, the regiment was merged again under the trunk number 3, was given its nickname back on March 22, 1897 and was called "Grenadier-Regiment zu Pferde Frhr until its dissolution in 1918/1919. von Derfflinger (Neumärkisches) No. 3 ”.

Grenadier à cheval of the Guard impériale


At least during the Seven Years' War there was a "Regiment of Riding Grenadiers" in the Electorate of Braunschweig-Lüneburg . They were in British uniform and carried a grenade pouch on a bandolier . Otherwise they were equipped like dragoons.

Electoral Palatinate

In the Electorate of Palatinate , too, there was a “Regiment of Riding Grenadiers” during the Seven Years' War , equipped like Dragoons, but with a grenadier cap.


As part of the Maison militaire du roi , there was a company of grenadiers à cheval du roi from 1676 . On December 15, 1776, the unit was disbanded, the grenadiers were distributed as Marechal des logis to the other regiments. They originally wore a “Tartar-shaped” fur hat, which was replaced shortly before the dissolution by the characteristic French grenadier fur hat with a face plate and a hanger.

The Grenadiers à cheval de la Garde impériale were a heavy cavalry regiment of the Garde impériale of the Napoleonic Army . Adopted from the Consular Guard , the Grenadiers à cheval were always the first regiment of the Cavalry of the Old Guard since it was established in 1804. The target number was around 1,100 officers and riders who were commanded by a Général de division or an experienced Général de brigade . The regiment took part in almost all of the emperor's campaigns and stood out especially in the battle of Austerlitz , when it took the Pratzen , which dominated the battlefield . After Napoleon's final abdication and the return of King Louis XVIII. it was dissolved in 1815.

In the Royal Guard of King Louis XVIII. there were two regiments "Grenadiers à cheval", which were disbanded with the Guard after the July Revolution of 1830 .

Great Britain

In 1678 each of the three Life Guard companies stationed in London was assigned a division of "Mounted Grenadeers". However, these were only dragoons , they were trained and equipped accordingly. However, they lived up to their name as they also carried the grenade as armament. Since they were only in the second line of this guard formation, it became clear that they were only paid half the wages of the "Life Guards". Between 1680 and 1683 the "Mounted Grenadeers" were dissolved, but then set up again in two companies. When the "Life Guards" were reorganized, the grenadiers were disbanded in 1788 and the personnel were distributed among the regiments of the line cavalry.


In Spain there was at least one regiment "Granaderos a Caballo" in 1737
