Greece Newspaper

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Greece Newspaper (GZ)
GZ logo
description Subscription weekly newspaper
First edition October 3, 2005
Frequency of publication weekly
Sold edition 10,000 copies
Editor-in-chief Jan Huebel
editor Robert Stadler
Web link
ZDB 2208268-2

The Greece Newspaper ( GZ ) is a German-language foreign medium and the only German-language newspaper in Greece. The operator is HellasProducts GmbH, founded in 1999 and based in Athens .

The newspaper informs every Wednesday about the events in Greece. The Internet portal also belongs to the Greek newspaper. Greece Zeitung has also been active in book production with its own publishing house since 2009.


The Greece newspaper emerged from the Athens newspaper (AZ), which existed from 1992 to 2005. The print version appeared for the first time on October 3, 2005. Since October 14, 2005, the newspaper has been published in a weekly print edition, as well as an e-version, PDF on the internet portal The internet portal has existed since 2000. In 2005, GZ was awarded the “German-Greek Business Prize” in the media area of ​​the German-Hellenic Business Association.


The GZ reports on the topics of politics, economy, culture, history, social affairs, tourism and sport - in the form of news, interviews or detailed reports. The employees are located in Greece, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The authors of the GZ include a. Klaus Bötig , Wolf Reiser, Danae Coulmas , Hubert Eichheim, Hans Eideneier and Eberhard Rondholz . The Greek newspaper is headed by the former publisher and editor-in-chief of the Athener Zeitung, Robert Stadler, and by the former deputy editor-in-chief Jan Hübel.

The Greece newspaper has subscribers in Greece, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other countries. In Greece it is mainly sold in tourist areas through kiosks , supermarkets and hotels. In Germany it has been available in train station bookshops and at airports since summer 2007.

Web links