Grimpella thaumastocheir

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Grimpella thaumastocheir
Subclass : Octopus (coleoidea)
Superordinate : Eight-armed squid (Vampyropoda)
Order : Octopus (octopoda)
Family : Real octopus (Octopodidae)
Genre : Grimpella
Type : Grimpella thaumastocheir
Scientific name of the  genus
Robson , 1928
Scientific name of the  species
Grimpella thaumastocheir
Robson, 1928

The Grimpella thaumastocheir is a great cephalopods from the genus of Grimpella , in the classification at the same time the only type represents. He lives in the Indian Ocean . Described the species was first described by Guy Coburn Robson in 1928, who established the genre in the same year. In English it is also called Velvet Octopus ("Velvet Octopus").



Grimpella thaumastocheir has a jacket length of 50 millimeters and a total length of 25 centimeters.

The tentacles of the same length reach 4 to 4.5 times the length of the mantle. Grimpella thaumastocheir has two rows of suction cups on each arm. Larger animals have up to 130 suction cups on each normal tentacle. Mature males have two to three enlarged suction cups on each arm. They occur from the eighth proximal suction cup. In male Grimpella thaumastocheir , the third right arm forms the hectocotylus . This reaches 70% of the length of the opposite arm. At the top there is a long and sturdy ligula that reaches five to seven percent of the length of the copulation arm. The calamus has 80% of the diameter of the ligula and is comparatively very large. The hectocotylus had only 52 suckers in the males examined.

The webbing is of moderate depth and covers up to 32% of the arm's length at the deepest point. It is roughly the same depth in the individual sections.

The gills have seven to nine lamellae per demibranch . The funnel organ has a UU-shaped appearance. The links are roughly the same length. The radula consists of nine elements, seven rows of teeth and edge plates. The clearly pronounced goiter forms a secondary branch of the esophagus.


Grimpella thaumastocheir usually has a uniform color, which is a mixture of gray, purple and red-brown. The side surfaces are shimmering green. False eyespots ( ocelles ) are not present in this species. Like all real octopuses, Callistoctopus macropus can adapt its appearance to its surroundings. This camouflage is based on a combination of different chromatophores and a change in the texture of the skin

The structure of the skin appears scattered and is covered with small wart-like structures, called papillae. These are rounded at the tips and have a low structure. There are no papillae over the eyes. There is no skin comb around the side edge of the coat.

Way of life


Grimpella thaumastocheir lives on the southern coast of Australia . It lives nocturnal, at depths from 0 to 420 meters below sea level. The habitat is formed by rocky reefs and rubble near the shore.


The males perform different figures in changing colors to woo females. During mating, the male grasps the female in his arms and guides the hectocotylus into the female's mantle cavity, where fertilization takes place. The male and female specimens usually die after spawning and hatching.

After hatching, the embryos are planktonic in size. They live pelagic for some time until they begin to grow and lead a benthic life as adult animals .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalog of cephalopod species known to date (p. 106)
  2. Skin as superreflectors
  3. Octopodidae - Article at Tree of Life
  4. a b c Sealife Base - Grimpella thaumastocheir