Great Kulowsee

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Great Kulowsee
Geographical location District of Mecklenburg Lake District
Tributaries none
Drain none
Places on the shore none
Coordinates 53 ° 17 '8 "  N , 13 ° 9' 29"  E Coordinates: 53 ° 17 '8 "  N , 13 ° 9' 29"  E
Great Kulowsee (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
Great Kulowsee
Altitude above sea level 63  m above sea level NHN
surface 67 ha
Template: Infobox See / Maintenance / EVIDENCE AREA

The Großer Kulowsee is located in the Feldberger Seenlandschaft nature park , in the Mecklenburg Lake District in southeast Mecklenburg in the Neustrelitz urban area . It has an approximate length of 1,300 meters and an approximate width of 760 meters. The lake shore is very swampy and wooded. There are quarry forests with alders north of the lake. There is also a Kesselmoor to the west of the Great Kulowsee. The lake is located in the Kulowseen nature reserve . The Great Kulowsee has naturally strong water level fluctuations, so that parts of the lake can dry out. Usually there are a few smaller islands in the lake.

The lake was formed from a form of dead ice during the last ice age . The areas around the lake have been used for agriculture since the Middle Ages, later the areas were afforested. Since the shallow water lake offers ideal conditions for fish farming, Amur carp were introduced into the lake from the late 1970s . This had a very negative effect on the originally mesotrophic lake. Large parts of the fish population perished in 1991, so that only a few carp are caught.

See also


  1. ↑ The Bruchwald biotope arch north of the Großer Kuhlowsee (PDF; 17 kB)
  2. Kesselmoor biotope arch southwest of the Großer Kulowsee (PDF; 18 kB)