Large oak carmine

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Large oak carmine
Catocala sponsa - Large oak carmine 01 (HS) .JPG

Great oak carmine ( Catocala sponsa )

Superfamily : Noctuoidea
Family : Owl butterfly (Noctuidae)
Subfamily : Catocalinae
Tribe : Catocalini
Genre : Catocala
Type : Large oak carmine
Scientific name
Catocala sponsa
( Linnaeus , 1767)

The great oak carmine ( Catocala sponsa ) is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of the owl butterflies (Noctuidae).


The moths reach a fore wing length of 3 to 3.5 centimeters. The forewings are brown-gray or brown with black and light interferences. The greatest contrast is formed by the large, white-rimmed kidney flaws with a white spot underneath, between the strongly drawn, outer and inner transverse lines. In the hem area, the outer transverse line is laid out twice. The hind wings are bright red with two black bands. One is broad and can be found at the edge of the wings, while the other appears narrower and is sharply angled twice.

There are several forms of this type that differ in appearance. For example, the form f. desponsa yellow hind wings.

Similar species

Geographical distribution and habitat

You can only find this stupid species where old oaks stand, i.e. in oak forests, mixed deciduous forests, in old gardens and parks island-like throughout Europe . In the north this species seems to be less common than in the south.


The nocturnal moth flies between mid-July and mid-September after the greatest summer heat. They can best be observed when they perch next to light sources at night. They behave so calmly that you can even pick them up carefully. The caterpillar season is between May and June. The eggs overwinter. The caterpillars hatch from these when the first shoots sprout. The pupation occurs at the bottom where a gray cocoon is built.

Way of life

The moths drink using their proboscis sometimes tree sap and can - like all ribbon types - easily with a bait are attracted.



  • Günter Ebert: The butterflies of Baden-Württemberg. Volume 5: Moth III. Ulmer Verlag Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-800-13481-0 .
  • Manfred Koch : We determine butterflies. Volume 3: Owls. 2nd, expanded edition. Neumann, Leipzig / Radebeul 1972, DNB 760072930 .

Web links

Commons : Great Oak Carmine ( Catocala sponsa )  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files