Great stone grave Nedlitz

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The large stone grave Nedlitz was a megalithic Neolithic burial complex near Nedlitz , a district of Gommern in the district of Jerichower Land , Saxony-Anhalt . The grave was destroyed in the 18th or 19th century.


The grave was near Nedlitz on a hill between Büden and Königsborn .

Research history

The facility was documented for the first time by Joachim Gottwalt Abel , who was pastor in Möckern between 1755 and 1806 . He left only handwritten notes on this, which were published by Ernst Herms in 1928 . However, the grave itself had already been completely removed during Herms' investigations.


During his examination, Abel found a grave that was already badly damaged and still consisted of eight stones. It still had four wall or surrounding stones on the southern long side, another on the eastern narrow side, a possible guard stone on the southern long side and another wall or surrounding stone on the west or north side. There was also a fallen capstone on the eastern narrow side. Abel also states that some ceramic vessels (" urns ") were found near the grave .


  • Hans-Jürgen Beier : The megalithic, submegalithic and pseudomegalithic buildings and the menhirs between the Baltic Sea and the Thuringian Forest (= contributions to the prehistory and early history of Central Europe. Volume 1). Wilkau-Haßlau 1991, p. 45.
  • Ernst Herms: The megalithic graves of the district of Jerichow I. In: Festschrift of the Magdeburg Museum for Natural and Local History for the 10th Conference on Prehistory. Magdeburg 1928, p. 257.