Pit squiggle

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Baby eyes
General information about the mine
Mining technology Open pit
Funding / total approx. 100 t
Information about the mining company
Start of operation 1868
End of operation 1870
Funded raw materials
Degradation of Phosphorite, minerals and phosphoric acid lime
Geographical location
Coordinates 50 ° 35 '50.7 "  N , 8 ° 32' 42.2"  E Coordinates: 50 ° 35 '50.7 "  N , 8 ° 32' 42.2"  E
Scheppmäulchen (Hesse)
Baby eyes
Position of the baby bird
local community Lahnau
country State of Hesse
Country Germany
District Wetzlar mountain area

The Scheppmäulchen mine was an opencast mine near Waldgirmes (municipality of Lahnau ) in the Lahn-Dill district . The pit was north of Waldgirmes. The field name "Am Scheppmaul" still shows the approximate location.


The pit field was awarded on March 23, 1868 to the union Schulz & Wehrenbold zu Gladenbach for phosphorite and phosphoric acid lime. In the same year the mine had to go to the Victor Meyer & Com union. passed over from Limburg.

In the opencast mine, a 1 meter thick phosphorite deposit was opened up, which was found in a clay interspersed with brown iron and maganic ores. The opencast mine was in operation from 1868 to 1870. The Carl Zimmer chemical factory in Mannheim has been handed down as the owner from 1883.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Ralf Stahl, hiking guide through the historical mining of the community Waldgirmes