Group Rih

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The Rih group was an artist group founded in Karlsruhe in 1919 and existing until 1920 .

It included the painters Rudolf Schlichter , Wladimir von Zabotin , Georg Scholz , Oskar Fischer , Julius Kaspar , Egon Itta , Eugen Segewitz and Walter Becker . She was close to Dadaism and Cubism and advocated overcoming conventions in art, later a further development in the direction of New Objectivity took place. Its members also recognized the artistic aspects of works created by children or the sick. Carl Zuckmayer mentions the group he created through Wilhelm Fraengerhad got to know, in As was a piece of me and describes the members z. T. as quite eccentric. Apparently they took great care not to be overlooked:

“We drove particularly frequently to Karlsruhe, where there was an association of modern painters called the 'Gruppe Rih' - after Karl May's incomparable black stallion flying over the Arabian steppe. But the chaste May could not have dreamed of what erotomaniacal meaning was attached to his good, respectable Schammar stallion there. If you entered the honest city of Karlsruhe around this time, whether from the train station or from any rural area, you would find a phallic symbol drawn with colored chalk - albeit encoded in cubism - in its basic forms underneath everywhere, on house walls and walls an arrow with the instruction in childlike lettering: To group Rih!

If you followed this sign, you came to the studios in a quiet side street [...] "


  • Christoph Wilhelmi: Artist groups in Germany, Austria and Switzerland since 1900. A manual. Hauswedell, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 978-3-7762-1106-1 , pp. 306-307 (No. 182).
  • Marlene Angermeyer-Deubner: The Rih group. "Freedom in the means ..." In: Southwest German art between tradition and modernity 1914 to 1945. Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1993, ISBN 3-7995-0396-X , pp. 51–54.
  • Karl-Ludwig Hofmann and Christmut Präger: Art in Karlsruhe 1900-1950 , Müller, Karlsruhe 1981, ISBN 3-7880-9661-6