Group of the Tarentine cotyledons

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The group of Tarentines Blütenkotylen ( English Group of the Taranto Floral Kotylai ) is a provisional names named group of mittelkorinthisch - black-figure vases v by a painter to 600-575. Were manufactured.

Several cotyls (small drinking bowls ) painted with floral ornaments are assigned to the group. The painting with tendril palmettes and rosettes with a point in a circle in the middle is characteristic. The group's name vase , which is decorated with rosettes and surrounding palmette patterns, is in the National Archaeological Museum in Taranto . In addition to the name vase, four other works are certainly attributed to the group. One of them is also in Taranto, the other vases have only survived in fragments and come from Taucheira / Tocra in the Kyrenaica ( Libya ), from Corinth and from Gela . The attribution of a further cot in Taranto is uncertain.
