Guangzhao Dam

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Guangzhao Dam
Location: District Guanling , province Guizhou , China
Tributaries: Beipan Jiang
Drain: Beipan Jiang
Major cities nearby: Guangzhao
Guangzhao Dam (China)
Guangzhao Dam
Coordinates 25 ° 57 '57 "  N , 105 ° 15' 12"  E Coordinates: 25 ° 57 '57 "  N , 105 ° 15' 12"  E
Data on the structure
Lock type: RCC gravity dam
Construction time: 2003-2008
Height of the barrier structure : 200.5 m
Height of the structure crown: 750.5  m
Building volume: 2.8 million m³
Crown length: 410 m
Crown width: 12 m
Slope slope on the air side : 1: 0.75
Slope slope on the water side : 1: 0.25
Power plant output: 1 040  MW
Data on the reservoir
Altitude (at congestion destination ) 745  m
Water surface 51.54 km²
Storage space 3245 million m³
Catchment area 13 548  km²
Design flood : 9 857  m³ / s

The Guangzhao Dam (光照 水库) is a concrete gravity dam on Beipan Jiang near Guangzhao in Guanling County, Guizhou Province , China . The main purpose of the dam is hydropower generation and, in addition, water regulation and irrigation. The dam dams the highest reservoir on the Beipan. It was built between 2003 and 2008. The average annual energy generated is 2745 GWh .


Construction began in May 2003 and the river was diverted in October 2004. The damming of the reservoir began in 2007 and in 2008 the dam and the hydropower plant (4 × 260 MW) were completed. On June 28, 2010, there was a landslide in the vicinity that killed 99 residents. It is believed that the landslide was caused by an earthquake caused by the weight of the reservoir .


The dam is 200.5 m high and 410 m long and consists of rolled concrete (RCC). It has three flood relief channels on its back. Each of these is controlled by a shutter that is 16 m wide and 20 m high. Together they have a maximum capacity of 9857 m³ / s. The dam also has a bottom outlet for draining the reservoir with a capacity of 799 m³ / s.

See also


  1. a b Guangzhao Hydropower Project (PDF; 88 kB), Chinese National Committee on Large Dams , accessed February 15, 2011.
  2. Fan Xiao: Chinese dam played role in deadly landslide , July 5, 2010, accessed December 30, 2018.