
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Guidovia is a track similar to the track bus with solid rubber tires as friction support, which can negotiate gradients of up to 8.3 percent (compare Pöstlingbergbahn ). The rails only guide the vehicle - but not the load transfer. Alberto Laviosa from Piacenza developed this system in 1929 and founded the company "Auto Guidovie Italiane Spa" to market the concept. The company still exists today - but as a pure transport company.

Such a system led from San Quirico near Genoa near the Giovipass over 10.6 km and 700 m difference in altitude to the Santuario della Guardia. The superstructure of the track is very light due to the propulsion over the rubber tires. The railway was discontinued at the end of the 1960s because the condition of the superstructure was desolate.

The system was further developed with the " Michelines " and the tire-worn trains from Métro Paris .


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