Gunther von Andlau

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Gunther von Andlau (* in Andlau ; † January 21, 1170 in St. Blasien ) was abbot in the monastery of St. Blasien in the southern Black Forest from 1141 to 1170 . He came from the noble Andlau family .

During his tenure, King Konrad III confirmed . on January 12, 1152 in Freiburg im Breisgau the monastery of St. Blasien the foundation of the cell in Ochsenhausen and its dependence on the mother monastery.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Wilhelm Braun (edit.): Document book of the St. Blasien monastery. Part I, From Beginnings to 1299. Series A: Sources. Publications of the commission for historical regional studies in Baden-Württemberg , 2003, ISBN 3-17-017985-3 , p. 262.
predecessor Office successor
Berthold I. Abbot of St. Blasien
Werner II.