Gustav Holzmüller

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Gustav Holzmüller, around 1890

Gustav Holzmüller (born January 2, 1844 in Merseburg , † November 27, 1914 in Charlottenburg near Berlin ) was a German mathematician and director of the provincial trade school in Hagen, the later higher mechanical engineering school and today one of the locations of the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences .


Holzmüller studied mathematics and physics at the University of Halle , where he received his doctorate in 1870 ( on the application of the Jacobi-Hamilton method to the case of attraction according to Weber's electrodynamic law ).

After that he was initially an assistant teacher in Salzwedel and Merseburg , in 1871 a teacher at Magdeburg High School , in 1872 in Elberfeld and in 1874 director of the trade school and later higher mechanical engineering school in Hagen . In 1881 he became a member of the Leopoldina .

In addition, he published mathematical essays and writings on school reform. He advocated the establishment of higher schools without Latin lessons (Realschulen and Oberrealschulen) and was the editor of a magazine for higher schools without Latin from 1894 to 1901 . In 1897 he retired for health reasons, devoted himself entirely to mathematics and published several textbooks.

Gustav Holzmüller died in 1914 at the age of 70 in Charlottenburg near Berlin and was buried in the Old Twelve Apostles Cemetery in Schöneberg near Berlin. The grave has not been preserved.


  • History of the Hagen trade school. Butz, Hagen 1884
  • The struggle for school reform in its most recent phases. Hagen 1890 Online
  • Elements of stereometry . 4 volumes, Leipzig, Göschensche Verlagshandlung, 1900–1902
  • Introduction to the theory of isogonal relationships and conformal mappings . Teubner 1882, online
  • Introduction to stereometric drawing. With consideration of crystallography and cartography. Teubner 1886. Online
  • Methodical textbook of elementary mathematics. Teubner 1894 (also translated into Spanish) Online
  • The recent changes in electrical theory, including electron theory. Springer Verlag 1906


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende: Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 753.