Gustav Siegfried

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Gustav Siegfried (born June 26, 1808 in Zofingen ; † December 3, 1843 there ; authorized to live there) was a Swiss manufacturer and early socialist .

Siegfried completed a commercial training in Neuchâtel in 1824/1825 and then worked as a manufacturer in Zofingen. He came "to the insight that political equality is not enough, since it is undermined by the ruling economic" class, and turned to early socialism . Siegfried dealt with Saint-Simon , Fourier , Owen and Cabet . He was a supporter of the community of property . In 1842 he worked with the communist Wilhelm Weitling .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz Wirth: Johann Jakob Treichler and the social movement in the canton of Zurich (1845/1846). Basel 1981.