Gustav Wegerer

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Gustav Wegerer (born August 2, 1897 in Vienna , † 1954 in Františkovy Lázně ) was an Austrian communist and chemical engineer , a former political prisoner in Buchenwald concentration camp and, after the liberation from the Nazi regime, employee of the information office of the Buchenwald memorial.

Live and act

Wegerer obtained his patent as a chemical engineer after elementary school at an engineering school . He joined the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) early on and became a member of its Central Committee . For a long time he gave solidarity assistance to the Soviet Union in building its economy. From 1938 to 1945 he was interned as a political prisoner in Buchenwald concentration camp (prisoner number 3535), where he was employed as a Kapo in pathology . In this department Wegerer had to replace the camp commandant's wife, Ilse Koch who have favourited the tattooed skin of murdered inmates. Together with his deputy Kurt Sitte , Wegerer wrote the dissertation in Buchenwald with the title “Attempts to treat pulmonary tuberculosis by inhaling carbon colloid” by the concentration camp doctor Waldemar Hoven . After the illegal Thälmann celebration in August 1944, he was transferred to Gestapo custody.

After the liberation from Nazi rule in 1945, Wegerer worked in the information office of the memorial.

Individual evidence

  1. Lutz Niethammer (ed.): The "cleaned" anti-fascism. The SED and the red kapos from Buchenwald. Documents , Akad.-Verlag, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-05-002647-2 , p. 518 and Holm Kirsten, Wulf Kirsten (ed.): Voices from Buchenwald. A reader. Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2002, ISBN 3-89244-574-5 , p. 122
  2. Lady with lampshade . In: Der Spiegel from February 16, 1950.
  3. Ernst Klee : Auschwitz, Nazi medicine and its victims. 3. Edition. S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1997, ISBN 3-596-14906-1 , p. 41f.
  4. Heinz Koch, Udo Wohlfeld: The German beech forest committee. The period from 1945 to 1958 . History workshop, Weimar 2010, p. 183, ISBN 3-935275-14-5 (in cooperation with the Association of those persecuted by the Nazi regime - Bund der Antifaschisteninnen and Antifaschisten ).