Guy of Warwick

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Guy of Warwick (Old French Gui de Warewic ) is also the name of a knight novel and its title Helden.

Work history and content

The novel, the earliest version of which is an old French verse novel from the 1st half of the 13th century , was probably written for a family of the Norman upper class in England to glorify their origins. He describes the adventures of the young Gwido, who falls in love with the daughter ( Phaelice ) of his master ( Lord Roband ). He succeeds in attaining knighthood (by killing a huge, dangerous cow) and continues to face all kinds of adventures.

He fights with lions, with dragons, with the Danish giant Colbrand and, shortly after his wedding, takes Tirius on a trip to the Holy Land, where he fights against Saracens and Turks. After Tirius had stood by the king in Dacien and was honored for it, he fell victim to an intrigue. Gwido defeated the slanderer of Tirius in battle. After his honor was restored by Gwido, Gwido returned to England and after much turmoil, the hermit who had been converted finally died in the arms of his Phaelice .

Lore history

The story was and is since its transmission in Middle English versions at the beginning of the 14th century a myth that is still known and popular in England.

In German-language prose, the story , also contained in the Gesta Romanorum , has been documented in writing since 1342 under the title Gydo and Thyrus or Gwido and Tirius (= Guido and Tyrius ).

Editions of works and translations

  • Julius Zupitza (Ed.): The romance of Guy of Warwick. The second or 15th-century version. Edited from the paper ms. Ff. 2. 38. in the University Library. Cambridge 1844–1895 ( digitized version )
  • The legend of the noble knight Guido. From: Gesta Romanorum or Die Taten der Römer, the oldest book of fairy tales and legends of the Christian Middle Ages, II, 172. Chap. ( Digitized version ).

Web links

References and literature

  1. Udo Gerdes: 'Gydo and Thyrus'. In: Burghart Wachinger et al. (Hrsg.): The German literature of the Middle Ages. Author Lexicon . 2nd, completely revised edition, ISBN 3-11-022248-5 , Volume 3: Gert van der Schüren - Hildegard von Bingen. Berlin / New York 1981, col. 353-356.