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As Landlopers ( lat. "Wandering") were traveling Monks referred to in the late antiquity , in particular Byzantine Reich , of a convent subjected to the next and the common, regulated together in Koinobion rejected. Again and again they were accused of immorality and hedonism , in particular they appear as a rule of the Benedictines , where they are compared with the Sarabaites and are stated:

All their lives they move up and down the country and stay in various monasteries for three or four days. Always on the move, never constantly, they are slaves to the whims of their own will and the cravings of their palate. In everything they are worse than the Sarabaites.

In a broader sense, gyrovage was also a derogatory term for tramps .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Regula Benedicti [1] 1, 10-11