Egg allergens

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The chicken egg allergens (Gal d) are proteins that are produced by the domestic chicken ( Gallus domesticus ) in the egg white or egg yolk and are highly allergenic in humans. They are contained in different proportions in hen's eggs and usually have a storage or antimicrobial function for the animal. Cross -allergies are rare if no other animal eggs are consumed. In addition, people with different origins and different allergy histories are each differently sensitive to the allergens.

In addition to the chicken egg allergens, several allergenic proteins are known from chicken which are found in muscle meat and can cause a rare chicken meat allergy.


Egg white

See also: Egg white allergy

egg yolk

  • Gal d 5 : serum albumin , storage protein
  • Gal d 6 : vitellogenin-1, member of the vitellogenins ; Storage protein
  • Gal d Apo I : Apovitellenin-1, storage protein

Individual evidence

  1. Allergomas to chicken meat
  2. UniProt P01005
  3. UniProt P02789
  4. UniProt P00698
  5. UniProt P19121
  6. UniProt P87498
  7. UniProt P02659