Megalithic bed without chamber from Rothenmoor 1

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The giant bed without a chamber of Rothenmoor 1 (without Sprockhoff number ) is located in the Warin district of Mankmoos in the district of Northwest Mecklenburg in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, south of the Qualitz - Mankmoos road in the forest. The megalithic bed was built between 3500 and 2800 BC. BC as a plant of the funnel beaker culture (TBK). “Neolithic monuments are an expression of the culture and ideology of Neolithic societies. Their origin and function are considered to be the hallmarks of social development ”.


The megalithic bed without a chamber is only 15 m long (the Stralendorf facility is 125 m long) about 6.5 m wide, rectangular, northwest-southeast oriented megalithic bed that has been deprived of many of its 49 boulders . 10 stones of the northeast and 12 stones of the southwest side and one stone of the southeast side have been preserved. More than two dozen curbs went out. The system lies on a slightly inclined surface. Inside there is a very eccentric stone tub, over three meters long, in which the burial was deposited. The tub is in the natural ground below the hill. The stone grave was excavated by Ewald Schuldt in 1966 .

See also


  • Luise Lorenz: Ceramic lifetimes and the useful life of northeast German megalithic graves. In: Martin Hinz, Johannes Müller (eds.): Settlement, trench works, large stone grave. Studies on the society, economy and environment of the funnel cup groups in northern Central Europe (= early monumentality and social differentiation. Volume 2). Rudolf Habelt Verlag, Bonn 2012, ISBN 978-3774938137 , pp. 61-86 ( online ).
  • Ewald Schuldt : A giant bed without a chamber from Rothenmoor, Sternberg district. In: Ground monument maintenance in Mecklenburg. Yearbook 1967. 1969, pp. 17-22.
  • Ewald Schuldt: The Mecklenburg megalithic graves. German Science Publishing House, Berlin 1972.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. J. Müller In: Varia neolithica VI 2009 p. 15

Coordinates: 53 ° 48 ′ 11.6 "  N , 11 ° 46 ′ 52"  E