Hüttig AG

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Hüttig AG
legal form Corporation
founding May 8, 1897
resolution 1909
Reason for dissolution Takeover by the Internationale Camera Actiengesellschaft (ICA)
Seat Dresden
management Richard Hüttig
Number of employees around 800 production workers
Branch Camera construction
Status: 1909

The Hüttig AG was a company in Dresden that existed in the legal form of a stock corporation from 1897 to 1909 and built cameras (cameras). It went back to a camera workshop founded in Berlin in 1872 .

The founder Richard Hüttig

Richard Hüttig learned the trade of a carpenter and from 1856 worked in Berlin in a precision joinery for cameras, where he also passed the master craftsman's examination. Here he successfully copied French and English cameras based on models from Louis Daguerre and developed his own models. In 1897 he founded the stock corporation named after him in Dresden. Hüttig was the head of what was at times the largest camera factory in Dresden. After his company became part of the International Camera Actiengesellschaft (ICA) in 1909 , he lost its fame. Hüttig became impoverished and, with the help of the city of Dresden, was given a place in the retirement home. His death dates are not known.

Factory of photographic equipment on stocks

Hüttig saw a professional future in the steadily growing field of photography and opened his own workshop in Berlin in 1872. To avoid the growing competition from Berlin, Hüttig moved to Dresden in 1887. Here he initially worked with four camera operators in Chemnitzer Straße No. 12. Soon Hüttig employed 15 journeymen and the company continued to expand. In 1890, his son Carl entered his father's business, which was now known as the cabinet-making photographic apparatus Richard Hüttig & Son . Hüttig developed his own cameras, where he supplied the necessary accessories, such as B. the optics (lenses), obtained from other manufacturers. His ever-growing cabinet-making shop soon expanded into a factory. In 1893, Hüttig moved into a new building at 76 Schandauer Strasse, which now appeared as a factory for photographic equipment on shares . The company now employed around 200 people. Numerous auxiliary machines were purchased and the production in 1900 was around 50,000 pieces of equipment. In addition, lenses, projection lanterns, satin finishing machines, tripods and other photographic articles were manufactured. The company had so-called wholesalers in Berlin and Vienna. In 1897 the company was converted into the Hüttig AG stock corporation . Carl Hüttig received an annual salary of 10,000 marks and was a member of the company's board of directors until the end of 1906, which meant that he was "not allowed to participate in any competing company in any way" for the next 50 years.

Company data 1901
Sales in Marks:
  • 1897: 0907003
  • 1898: 1255073
  • 1899: 1623421
  • 1900: 1890615
  • 1901: 2501115
Sales and employees
  • Around 180,156 devices were dispatched
  • The company carried out significant exports
  • The number of workers was over 700
Corporate governance
Management: Carl Hüttig

Authorized Representatives:

  • Rich. Long
  • Oskar Knauthe
  • Otto Lorenz
  • Friedr. Herm
  • Rud. Noa
Supervisory board: go. Come. Council Victor Hahn


  • Arth. Pekrun
  • Franz Richard Huettig
  • Ed. Zabel
  • Fri. Aug. Fichtner
  • Dir. Ferd. Solomon


Wrong business decisions, such as For example, a barely manageable variety of products brought Hüttig AG into financial difficulties. In addition, there were financial irregularities that earned Carl Hüttig a prison sentence. In 1906 newspaper advertisements advertised that Hüttig was Germany's largest camera factory with 800 workers. The management was taken over by Guido Mengel , who operated the merger of several Dresden camera factories into a new group. In 1909, Hüttig AG was merged into the newly founded Internationale Camera Actiengesellschaft. At that time it employed around 800 production workers and was one of the largest camera companies in Europe. The attempt to integrate the Dresdner Ernemann-Werke as an important competitor of Hüttig AG in this new group failed. The trademark of Hüttig AG, a pentagram , was taken over by the ICA in a slightly modified form. In 1926, this went into the Zeiss Ikon AG .


A Hüttig camera from the Cupido brand, early 20th century.

The company's products included, in particular, plate and roll film cameras , of which around 90 basic types were offered in over 400 variants in 1904. Initially, equipment for professional photographers was exclusively manufactured. In 1896, Richard Hüttig & Sohn presented the Zeus mirror camera, the first single -lens reflex camera made in Dresden, and thus co-founded Dresden's excellent reputation in camera construction. The 2nd model of this camera had an interchangeable lens in 1897. In addition to apparatus for photography, film cameras were also offered for recording on film reels. Finally, in 1906, the mirror-reflex artist camera was brought onto the market, which was considered the top model of the time.

Hüttig AG cameras were seen at the Paris World Exhibition in 1900. There it said:

"The Hüttig company has understood how to follow the development of photography and when looking at the exhibited apparatus one is instructed that it has made use of all innovations and inventions in the photographic field."


  • History of the photo industry in Germany: Part 5: Richard Hüttig & Sohn, Berlin and Dresden. In: Club Daguerre, Association for the Care of Historical Aspects of Photography eV (Ed.): Photo Antiquaria. 3, 1976, ISSN  1862-3379 , pp. 6-9.
  • Richard Hummel: SLR cameras from Dresden. History, technology, facts. Lindemanns, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-89506-127-1 .
  • Klaus-Dieter Müller: Hüttig AG 1906: cameras and lenses . Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2010, ISBN 978-3-8391-4666-8 .

Web links

Commons : Hüttig cameras  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Yearbook of the Berlin Stock Exchange: A reference book for bankers and capitalists . Berlin / Leipzig, p. 1463–1464 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  2. Innovations. dresdner-kameras.de, accessed on May 19, 2020 .
  3. Pictures from old Dresden - Hüttig & Sohn Kamerawerk 1897–1909 Hüttig AG. altesdresden.de, accessed on May 19, 2020 .
  4. a b New photographic apparatus . In: The Paris World Exhibition in words and pictures . Kirchhoff & Co., Berlin 1900, p. 328 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive - illustrations on pp. 326–327).
  5. ^ A b c Gerhard Jehmlich: The large-scale industrial development of the camera industry in Dresden - Richard Hüttig . In: The VEB Pentacon Dresden: History of the Dresden camera and cinema industry after 1945 . Sandstein-Verlag, Dresden 2009, ISBN 978-3-940319-75-3 , p. 18 ( verlag.sandstein.de ).
  6. The week . tape 8 , Issues 11-20, 1906 ( Text Archive - Internet Archive - Camera Advertising).