Poppen & Ortmann

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Poppen & Ortmann Druckerei und Verlag KG
legal form KG
founding 1846
Seat Freiburg im Breisgau , Germany
management Wolfgang Poppen
Branch Printing company , media company
Website https://www.poppen-ortmann.de

The Poppen & Ortmann Druckerei und Verlag KG is a family owned media companies from Freiburg . The company was founded in 1846 as " HM Poppen & Sohn - Universitätsdruckerei " by the printer Hermann Meinhard Poppen . The company is now managed by the sixth and seventh generation of Wolfgang Poppen and his daughter Nadja Poppen .

The BZ.medien group, with the main title Badische Zeitung , has belonged to Poppen & Ortmann since 1950. Initially as a minority stake , from 1997 onwards it was a stake in the company on an equal footing with Heinrich Rombach KG. The BZ.medien group has been fully owned by Poppen & Ortmann since 2020.


Historical drawing of the "Haus am Martinstor".
Since 2016, the head office on Kaiser-Joseph-Straße has been home to the Freiburg city editorial office and the Badische Zeitung office . The Freiburg market hall has been located in the back of the building, in the former printing area, since 1985.

In 1846, Hermann Meinhard Poppen founded the "HM Poppen & Sohn - University Print Shop". In 1863, the university printing house became an important publishing house for Baden: The Freiburger Zeitung - one of the leading media from Karlsruhe to Basel at the time - had found its new home at HM Poppen & Sohn.

By the turn of the century, new products were added, the range became more diverse and the opportunities for growth in the old premises became increasingly limited. The new location was the "Haus am Martinstor" in the old town of Freiburg, which today houses the Freiburg market hall and the Badische Zeitung office. In 1904 an architectural competition was held to build a commercial building on Kaiser-Joseph-Strasse for the Freiburger Zeitung. The winner of the competition was the Freiburg architect Carl Anton Meckel , but the design was implemented by Billing & Mallebrein . Billing's design was very similar to Meckel's, which after a publication in the Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung in 1906 led to a public controversy between the two. On the facade of the house there are two figures by Friedrich Meinecke , one of which represents Johannes Gutenberg . On October 12, 1916, the building was hit by an aerial bomb. “All windows, even the big one in the office building, Kaiserstraße 119, broke. The whole parapet was in the dead end. ”Reads the inscription on a plaque on the roof terrace.

In 1918 the name of the company was changed from "HM Poppen & Sohn - Universitätsdruckerei" to "Poppen & Ortmann Universitätsdruckerei und Verlagsanstalt" after a 25-year partnership.

During the time of National Socialism , the publishers Adolf Poppen (on October 15, 1935) and Max Ortmann (on October 30, 1935) "on the basis of § 10 of the first ordinance for the implementation of the Reich Chamber of Culture Act of November 1, 1933 [...] the Reich Press Chamber [excluded] and further activity as a newspaper publisher [prohibited] ". Articles by a former Jewish employee and a former editor from the period up to March or May 1933 as well as "up to the present" publications of Jewish advertisements and the Jewish worship gazette were cited as reasons. During the following weeks, due to the significantly increased pressure on the publishers, the Freiburger Zeitung was sold to Vera Verlagsanstalt GmbH from Berlin, a subsidiary of the central publishing house of the NSDAP, the Franz-Eher-Verlag . Even if the connections were not apparent to all citizens from the start, Vera Verlagsanstalt GmbH was said to be very close to official bodies in the population. In addition to remuneration for the newspaper rights, Poppen & Ortmann was promised a 10-year printing contract.

The newspaper was published with the weekend edition No. 58/59 from 27./28. February 1943 in the 160th year. To justify this, reference is made to the “requirements of total war ” on the title page of the last issue . The hiring would "free more workers for the Wehrmacht and armaments industry."

In 1950 Poppen & Ortmann was granted the license to publish the Freiburger Zeitung again. A short time later, the company decided to invest in Badischer Verlag, in which the Badische Zeitung appears, and brought in the title in exchange for a minority stake.

Until 1985 the "Haus am Martinstor" u. a. the Badische Zeitung printed. Due to the limited space in the city center of Freiburg and the necessary investments, the company headquarters was relocated to the Freiburg district of Haslach . A new publishing and printing building was built not far from the headquarters of the Badischer Verlag.

In 1998, Poppen & Ortmann and Heinrich Rombach KG bought the shares in Badischer Verlag from Herder Verlag . Both houses merged the publishing house, the subsidiaries associated with production (e.g. newspaper printing, online publishing) and other companies in the group (e.g. delivery) in 1998 in the Badisches Pressehaus holding company . Since then, Poppen & Ortmann has concentrated on commercial printing as well as the administration and management of investments and the Freiburg market hall.

Until the end of 2019, Poppen & Ortmann and the Rombach Group each held 50% of the shares in the Badischer Pressehaus. Poppen & Ortmann KG has been the sole shareholder since 2020.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Badische Zeitung: Publishing history: Poppen, Ortmann and the "Freiburger Zeitung" - Freiburg - Badische Zeitung. Retrieved May 1, 2020 .
  2. ^ Badische Zeitung: Poppen & Ortmann KG soon takes over Heinrich Rombach KG's share in the Badischer Pressehaus - About us - Badische Zeitung. Retrieved May 1, 2020 .
  3. ^ Michael Klant: Sculpture in Freiburg . 1st edition Modo, Freiburg 1998, ISBN 3-922675-76-X .
  4. History | Poppen & Ortmann. May 28, 2019, accessed May 6, 2020 .
  5. ^ Thomas Schnabel: Freiburg press battle at the beginning of the Third Reich (Part 1: 1986, Part 2: 1987) . In: Freiburger Almanach (=  Freiburg Almanach ). tape 1986, 1987 . Poppen & Ortmann, ISSN  0429-6486 , p. 91-67 (1986), 63-67 (1987) .
  6. History | Poppen & Ortmann. May 28, 2019, accessed May 5, 2020 .
  7. Markthalle FREIBURG - Culinary around the world - International food: ABOUT US - ADVICE AND HISTORY. Retrieved May 5, 2020 .
  8. Karlheinz Scherfling: Where Badeners eat sushi and Japanese brews . In: Verlag Poppen & Ortmann (ed.): Freiburger Almanach (=  Freiburg Almanach ). tape 2008 , no. 2008 . Poppen & Ortmann, ISSN  0429-6486 , p. 39-45 .
  9. Subscription & Service / About us - Badische Zeitung. Retrieved May 5, 2020 .
  10. ^ Badische Zeitung: Poppen & Ortmann KG soon takes over Heinrich Rombach KG's share in the Badischer Pressehaus - About us - Badische Zeitung. Retrieved May 5, 2020 .