HaJamin HeChadash

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HaJamin HeChadash
Logo of HaYamin HeHadash.svg
Party leader Naftali Bennett
founding December 29, 2018
Headquarters Bnei Berak , Israel
Alignment Zionism
National Conservatism
Economic Liberalism
Parliament seats
Website https://newyamin.org

HaJamin HeChadash ( Hebrew הַיָּמִין הֶחָדָשׁ, German: "The New Right" ) is a national conservative Israeli party that was founded in December 2018 by Naftali Bennett and Ajelet Schaked .


On December 29, 2018, Education Minister Naftali Bennett and Justice Minister Ajelet Schaked announced their resignation from the HaBajit haJehudi party , of which Bennett had been chairman until then. Together with another MP, Shuli Moalem-Refaeli, they formed a new parliamentary group in the Knesset and founded the HaJamin HeChadasch party in order to take part in the upcoming parliamentary election. The party was initially led jointly by Bennett and Schaked.

In the Knesset election on April 9, 2019 , the party narrowly failed with 3.22% of the 3.25% hurdle and received no seats.

On July 29, 2019, the party and the Union of Right-wing Parties agreed to run together in the parliamentary elections in Israel in September 2019 . The alliance that went by the name of Jamina was headed by Ajelet Schaked. After the election, the alliance was dissolved again.


HaJamin HeChadasch wants to act as a bridge between religious and secular Jews. Israel is exclusively the nation state of the Jewish people, but minorities should have full civil and individual rights.

The party strictly rejects a Palestinian state and is in favor of annexing the C areas of the West Bank (around 61% of the area of ​​the West Bank). The Palestinian population living in the C areas will then receive Israeli citizenship.

HaJamin HeChadasch advocates economic liberalism and rejects legal activism .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Knesset: House Committee approves split of MKs Bennett, Shaked and Moalem-Refaeli from Habayit Hayehudi
  2. ^ Ayelet Shaked's New Right merges with URWP after marathon talks. Retrieved July 31, 2019 (American English).
  3. Jamina faction splits up. In: Israel Network. October 10, 2019, accessed October 20, 2019 .
  4. ^ Israel's New Right: Annex 'Area C', give 80,000 Palestinians citizenship. March 1, 2019, accessed April 6, 2019 (UK English).
  5. ^ Which parties are running - and who is likely to get in. In: Israel National News. April 9, 2019, accessed November 3, 2019 .