General election in Israel September 2019

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April 2019General election September 2019March 2020
(in %)
Gains and losses
compared to April 2019
 % p
Template: election chart / maintenance / notes
b April: Likud 26.46% and Kulanu 3.54% with separate lists
c April: Chadash - Ta'al and Ra'am - Balad with separate lists
g April: Union of right-wing parties 3.70% and HaJamin HeChadasch 3.22% with separate lists
h April: Avoda 4.43% and Gescher 1.73% with separate lists
i April: Meretz
j of which Otzma Jehudit 1.88%
Distribution of seats in the 22nd Knesset
13 6th 33 8th 32 7th 7th 
A total of 120 seats

The election for the 22nd Knesset took place on September 17, 2019. The election became necessary after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ( Likud ) failed to form a majority for a government coalition after the last election in April 2019 . Thereupon the parliament dissolved at the suggestion of the Likud.

As in the previous election, neither the center-left camp, led by Benny Gantz ( Kachol Lavan ), nor the right-wing religious camp led by Prime Minister Netanyahu achieved the required majority of 61 MPs. President Reuven Rivlin entrusted Netanyahu with the formation of a government, but he returned the mandate after unsuccessful negotiations. Rivlin then commissioned Gantz to form a government, which he did not succeed either. After the Knesset also failed in its attempt to form a government, it dissolved on December 11th and new elections were scheduled for March 2nd.


Starting position

Distribution of seats in the 21st Knesset
6th 4th 4th 6th 35 4th 35 8th 8th 
A total of 120 seats

After the Likud had become the strongest force in the Knesset election in April 2019 and a majority had been suggested for the right-wing camp, the Likud chairman and incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was entrusted with the formation of a government, for which he would be responsible until the end of May, including one two-week extension by President Reuven Rivlin , had time. However, negotiations between Netanyahu and a number of potential coalition partners failed because Jisra'el Beitenu refused to join a coalition. A sticking point between Netanyahu and Jisra'el-Beitenu chairman Avigdor Lieberman was the passage of a bill that is rejected by the ultra-Orthodox parties ( Shas and United Torah Judaism ). The law would remove the current exemption from military service for ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students. For a majority in parliament, Netanyahu needed both Jisra'el Beitenu and the ultra-Orthodox parties. Shortly before the deadline, Netanyahu turned to Avi Gabbay , the Avoda boss at the time, in order to avert new elections . After initial hesitation, however, he refused to allow his party to join a coalition. After the failure of the coalition negotiations, the Knesset voted for its dissolution and new elections at the request of Likud. For the first time in the history of Israel, a prime minister commissioned by the president to form a government failed to form a government coalition.


The voters have one vote to choose a list. The 120 seats are distributed proportionally according to the D'Hondt procedure among the lists that receive at least 3.25% of the vote. The seats assigned to the list are assigned to their candidates according to the order of the list. Two parties can enter into a list connection . In this case, their votes are added together for the allocation of seats, provided that both of them overcome the threshold clause. Within the list connection, the seats are allocated according to the D'Hondt method.

Parties and electoral alliances

Compared to the parliamentary elections in April 2019, the following changes have occurred in the Israeli party landscape:

List connections

The following list connections, which could help the parties involved to an additional seat, were entered into:

  • Avoda + Democratic Union
  • Kachol Lavan + Jisra'el Beitenu
  • Likud + Jamina
  • Shas + United Torah Judaism

Top candidates


Israeli polls usually predict the number of seats, not the percentage of votes. Below is an overview of the pre-election polls:

published by date Likud Kachol Lavan United list Schas VTJ Avoda - Gescher Jisra'el Beitenu Jamina Democratic Union Otzma Jehudit
Channel 13 13.09. 32 32 12 6th 7th 4th 9 9 5 4th
Channel 12 13.09. 32 32 10 7th 8th 5 8th 8th 6th 4th
Knesset Channel 12.09. 36 32 10 7th 8th 4th 9 9 5 -
103fm 12.09. 33 32 12 8th 7th 4th 9 9 6th -
Can 11 12.09. 31 33 11 7th 8th 5 7th 9 5 4th
Can 11 10.09. 31 32 10 7th 7th 5 9 9 6th 4th
Walla 09.09. 32 33 9 6th 7th 6th 8th 9 6th 4th
Israel Hayom 08/29 30th 32 11 8th 7th 5 11 10 6th -
Can 11 08/26 32 31 11 7th 7th 7th 9 10 6th -
Channel 12 08/23 30th 30th 11 7th 8th 6th 10 11 7th -
Israel Hayom 08/23 32 31 12 8th 7th 4th 10 10 6th -
103fm 08/15 32 30th 11 8th 7th 6th 10 9 7th -
Channel 13 08/15 31 31 9 6th 7th 5 11 12 8th -
Channel 12 08/13 30th 29 11 7th 8th 7th 10 11 7th -
103fm 08.08. 32 30th 11 8th 7th 5 9 10 8th -
Walla 08/05 31 29 11 7th 8th 6th 10 11 7th -
Reshet Bet 04.08. 29 30th 11 7th 7th 6th 11 11 8th -
Channel 12 03.08. 30th 29 11 7th 8th 6th 10 12 7th -
103fm 08/02 31 29 11 8th 7th 5 10 11 8th -
Israel Hayom 08/02 30th 28 12 7th 7th 6th 10 11 9 -
Channel 13 08/01 30th 29 11 6th 7th 6th 11 11 9 -
Channel 12 07/30 30th 30th 11 7th 8th 5 10 12 7th -
General election April 2019 04/09/2019 39 35 10 8th 8th 6th 5 5 4th -
older surveys (July 25/26, 2019)
published by date Likud - Kulanu Kachol Lavan United list Schas VTJ Avoda - Gescher Jisra'el Beitenu URP Democratic Union Hayemin Hehadash Toe hat
103fm 07/26 30th 28 11 8th 7th 6th 9 5 9 7th -
Channel 13 25.07. 28 23 11 5 6th 7th 10 4th 12 10 4th
Channel 12 25.07. 29 27 11 7th 8th 5 10 4th 10 9 -
Israel Hayom 25.07. 31 30th 12 7th 7th 5 7th 6th 9 6th -
Can 11 25.07. 30th 30th 10 7th 8th 5 9 4th 8th 9 -
General election April 2019 04/09/2019 39 35 10 8th 8th 6th 5 5 4th - -
older surveys (end of June to end of July 2019)
published by date Likud - Kulanu Kachol Lavan United list Schas VTJ Avoda Jisra'el Beitenu URP Meretz Hayemin Hehadash Toe hat Democratic Israel
Walla 25.07. 29 29 12 7th 8th 8th 10 4th 5 8th - -
Can 11 07/21 30th 30th 10 7th 8th 8th 10 4th 5 8th - -
Channel 12 07/21 30th 29 11 7th 8th 7th 9 5 4th 6th - 4th
Maariw 07/19 32 29 10 8th 7th 6th 9 4th 5 6th - 4th
Makor Rishon 07/19 32 29 11 7th 8th 6th 8th 4th 5 5 - 5
Arutz Scheva 07/17 31 28 11 8th 7th 8th 8th 4th 7th 4th - 4th
Channel 12 July 16 31 30th 11 7th 8th 6th 10 4th 4th 5 - 4th
Maariw 07/12 33 30th 10 8th 7th 5 8th 4th 5 6th - 4th
Walla 07/11 30th 30th 11 7th 8th 6th 9 5 5 5 - 4th
Israel Hayom 05.07. 31 30th 9 6th 7th 8th 7th 8th 6th 4th - 4th
Channel 12 03.07. 32 31 12 7th 7th 8th 9 5 4th 5 - -
Channel 13 03.07. 31 29 9 7th 6th 7th 8th 4th 4th 5 4th 6th
Channel 13 26.06. 32 32 12 6th 6th 5 7th 4th 6th 4th - 6th
General election April 2019 04/09/2019 39 35 10 8th 8th 6th 5 5 4th - - N / A
older surveys (until the end of June 2019)
published by date Likud - Kulanu Kachol Lavan Schas VTJ Chadash - Ta'al Avoda Jisra'el Beitenu URP Meretz Ra'am - Balad Hayemin Hehadash Toe hat
103fm 14.06. 35 33 7th 8th 6th 4th 8th 5 5 4th 5 -
Maariw 07.06. 37 33 7th 8th 7th 4th 7th 6th 4th - 6th -
Israel Hayom 02.06. 36 34 7th 7th 6th 4th 8th 4th 4th 5 5 -
Maariw 05/30 37 33 7th 8th 5 - 9 6th 6th 4th 5 -
Channel 13 05/30 36 33 7th 7th 7th 4th 9 7th 6th 4th - -
Can 11 05/30 35 34 7th 8th 6th 5 8th 4th 5 4th 4th -
General election April 2019 04/09/2019 39 35 8th 8th 6th 6th 5 5 4th 4th - -


Political party be right % Seats +/-
Kachol Lavan 1,151,214 25.95 33 −2
Likud 1,113,535 25.10 32 −7
United list 470.211 10.60 13 +3
Schas 330.199 7.44 9 +1
Jisra'el Beitenu 310.154 6.99 8th +3
United Torah Judaism 268,775 6.06 7th −1
Jamina 260,655 5.87 7th +2
Avoda 212,782 4.80 6th 0
Democratic Union 192.495 4.34 5 +1
Otzma Jehudit 83,609 1.88 0 0
Others 43,177 0.97 0 0
valid votes 4,436,806 100 - -
invalid and blank ballot papers 28,362 - - -
Total votes 4,465,168 - - -
Eligible voters / participation 6,394,030 69.83 - -

After the election

On the evening of the election, the Jamina electoral alliance , consisting of the parties HaJamin HeChadasch , HaBajit haJehudi and Tkuma , dissolved as agreed. According to the list leader Ajelet Schaked , the parties will enter into negotiations to form a government.

Two days after the election, the parties of the right-wing religious bloc (Likud, Shas, United Torah Judaism, Jamina) signed a declaration in which they committed themselves to holding coalition talks only as a united bloc and only Netanyahu for the office of To propose to Prime Minister. Netanyahu then turned to Gantz and proposed a “unity government” consisting of the right-wing religious bloc and Kachol Lavan. Gantz's party rejected the proposal. Before the election, Gantz had also campaigned for a unity government, but without the participation of the religious parties and without Netanyahu as prime minister.

According to the election committee, there were indications of election fraud in six Arab polling stations. The votes from these polling stations were not included in the preliminary official final result.

President Rivlin received all parties represented in parliament after the election. Netanyahu received the support of 55 MPs (Likud, Schas, United Torah Judaism and Jamina) and Gantz the support of 54 MPs (Kachol Lavan, United List (ten of thirteen), Avoda-Gescher, Democratic Union). Jisra'el Beitenu made no recommendation. Rivlin then commissioned Netanyahu to form a government.

On October 10, 2019, the responsible Knesset committee approved the dissolution of the Jamina faction . With the move, the New Right party will receive three Knesset seats - those of Naftali Bennett , Ajelet Schaked and Matan Kahana. The HaBajit haJehudi party has four members: Rafi Peretz , Moti Yogev , Bezalel Smotrich and Ofir Sofer.

On October 21, Netanyahu declared that his government had failed after he failed to get Gantz to cooperate, who refused to do so on charges of corruption against Netanyahu . Thereupon President Rivlin gave the mandate to form a government to Gantz, who after a month also declared the formation of the government to have failed. Rivlin thereupon commissioned the Knesset as a whole on November 21, for the first time in the history of Israel, to search for a head of government. The Knesset had until December 11th to find a solution. After the formation of a government did not succeed in this way either, the Knesset dissolved and new elections were scheduled for March 2nd.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Israel's Netanyahu gets two-week extension to form government . In: Reuters . May 13, 2019 ( [accessed June 11, 2019]).
  2. TOI staff: Ahead of deadline, Liberman says he won't cave to shocking, 'powerful' pressure. Retrieved June 11, 2019 (American English).
  3. ^ TOI staff: Labor leader says he considered offer from Netanyahu to save Israeli democracy. Retrieved June 11, 2019 (American English).
  4. ^ Likud prepares bill to dissolve Knesset as coalition talks snag. May 26, 2019, accessed October 2, 2019 .
  5. Bill to dissolve Knesset approved in second and third reading. Retrieved June 11, 2019 .
  6. Gil Hoffman and Lahav Harkov: Israel Goes Back to Elections as Netanyahu Fails to Form Coalition. In: The Jerusalem Post . May 30, 2019, accessed on September 17, 2019 .
  7. ^ Electoral System of Israel. Retrieved September 17, 2019 .
  8. ^ Distribution of Knesset Seats. Retrieved September 17, 2019 .
  9. Marissa Newman: Likud okays merger with Kulanu, confirms Netanyahu as PM candidate. Retrieved June 11, 2019 .
  10. ^ Before new elections: Israel's ex-Prime Minister Barak founds a new party . In: Spiegel Online . June 27, 2019 ( [accessed June 27, 2019]).
  11. Raoul Wootliff, TOI staff: Meretz, former PM Barak, Labor defector Shaffir announce joint Knesset run. Retrieved July 29, 2019 (American English).
  12. ^ Resisting pressure from Netanyahu, far-right Otzma Yehudit runs alone. Retrieved August 3, 2019 (American English).
  13. TOI staff: Zehut bows out of elections after Netanyahu promises Feiglin a cabinet post. Retrieved August 31, 2019 (American English).
  14. ^ Labor and the Democratic camp signed a surplus vote agreement . August 21, 2019. 
  15. Yisrael Beytenu signs vote-sharing agreement with Blue and White . 20th August 2019. 
  16. Yemina signs surplus voter agreement with the Likud . August 21, 2019. 
  17. ^ Shas, UTJ sign vote-sharing agreement ahead of election . 4th September 2019. 
  18. a b Final polls have Netanyahu edging toward majority right-wing bloc. Retrieved September 14, 2019 .
  19. ^ Survey shows Likud soaring to 36 seats, Otzma Yehudit out. Retrieved September 14, 2019 .
  20. 103 FM Poll: Likud 33, Blue & White 32, Joint List 12, Yamina 9, Yisrael Beitenu 9. In: Jeremy's Knesset Insider. September 12, 2019, accessed on September 14, 2019 .
  21. Blue and White's lead grows slightly in poll. Retrieved September 14, 2019 .
  22. a b 4th poll shows extremist Otzma Yehudit in Knesset, Blue and White ahead of Likud. Retrieved September 14, 2019 .
  23. Poll: 55 seats for the right, 54 for the left and the Arabs. Accessed August 31, 2019 .
  24. ^ Poll: Right and left neck and neck. Accessed August 31, 2019 .
  25. Poll: 56 seats for the right, 54 for center-left. Accessed August 31, 2019 .
  26. Poll: Right - 57 seats, left - 53 seats. Accessed August 31, 2019 .
  27. ^ Poll: 56 seats for the right without Liberman. Retrieved August 18, 2019 .
  28. Poll: Blue & White 31, Likud 31, Yamina 12. Retrieved August 18, 2019 .
  29. ^ TOI staff: Extremist right parties nearing threshold to enter Knesset - poll. Retrieved August 18, 2019 (American English).
  30. 103FM Poll: Likud - 32, Blue and White - 30. Accessed August 10, 2019 .
  31. ^ Poll: Race tight between Likud, Blue and White. Retrieved August 10, 2019 (American English).
  32. ^ Poll: 54 seats for right-wing bloc without Liberman. Accessed August 4, 2019 .
  33. TOI staff: New poll: More voters want a unity government without Liberman than one with him. Retrieved August 4, 2019 (American English).
  34. Poll: United Right is stable with 11 seats. Accessed August 4, 2019 .
  35. Poll: Right struggling to secure majority bloc, ties with Left. Retrieved August 4, 2019 .
  36. ^ TOI staff: Poll: Half of voters want unity government, as support for Liberman rises. Retrieved August 4, 2019 (American English).
  37. ^ TOI staff: After merger, poll predicts Shaked's United Right will be third-largest party. Retrieved August 4, 2019 (American English).
  38. 103 FM Radio Poll: Likud 30, Blue & White 28, Joint List 11, Yisrael Beitenu 9, Democratic Union 9. In: Jeremy's Knesset Insider. July 26, 2019, accessed on July 29, 2019 .
  39. Channel 13 Poll: Likud 28, Blue & White 23, Democratic Union 12, Joint List 11, YB 10, Shaked 10; Scenario Poll: United Right List 14. In: Jeremy's Knesset Insider. July 25, 2019, accessed on July 29, 2019 .
  40. Channel 12 Poll: Likud 29, Blue & White 28, Joint List 11, YB 10, Democratic Union 10, Shaked 9; Scenario Polls: United Left List 15, United Right List 14. In: Jeremy's Knesset Insider. July 25, 2019, accessed on July 29, 2019 .
  41. I24 News & Yisrael Hayom Poll: Likud 31, Blue & White 30, Joint List 12, Democratic Union 9, 3 tied at 7. In: Jeremy's Knesset insider. July 25, 2019, accessed on July 29, 2019 .
  42. Channel 11 Poll: Likud 30, Blue & White 30, Joint List 10, YB 9, Shaked 9; Scenario Poll: United Right 15, United Left 14. In: Jeremy's Knesset Insider. July 25, 2019, accessed on July 29, 2019 .
  43. סקר וואלה! NEWS: שקד מתחזקת, ומה התמיכה באיחוד כולל בשמאל? July 25, 2019, accessed July 29, 2019 (he-IL).
  44. סקר כאן חדשות: השוויון בצמרת נמשך - ברק מתחת לאחוז החסימה. Retrieved July 29, 2019 .
  45. החדשות - בחירות 2019 | כמה שווה החיבור בין פרץ ללוי? סקר ... July 21, 2019. Retrieved July 29, 2019 .
  46. ^ Makor Rishon Poll: Likud 32, Blue & White 29, Joint List 11; Scenario Polls on Shaked vs A.Peretz united right list & Barak vs R.Peretz united left list. In: Jeremy's Knesset Insider. July 19, 2019, accessed on July 29, 2019 .
  47. Arutz Sheva poll: Likud 31, Blue and White 28. Retrieved on July 29, 2019 (English).
  48. Channel 12 Poll: Likud 31, Blue & White 30, Joint List 11; Scenario Polls: United Left List 15; United Right List led by Shaked 12. In: Jeremy's Knesset Insider. July 16, 2019, accessed on July 29, 2019 .
  49. Poll: Likud leads by 3 seats - but lacks right-wing majority. Retrieved July 12, 2019 .
  50. Poll: Shaked leading candidate to head right-wing bloc. Accessed July 11, 2019 .
  51. Poll: 'Mega-right' bloc would win 19 seats, Lieberman will decide. Retrieved July 5, 2019 .
  52. ^ A b T. OI staff: TV surveys show Liberman holds balance of power, as Likud, Blue and White slip. Retrieved July 3, 2019 (American English).
  53. TOI staff: After comeback announcement, poll gives Barak party 6 seats. Retrieved June 27, 2019 (American English).
  54. ^ Poll: Right-wing bloc leads with 68 seats. Retrieved June 14, 2019 .
  55. ^ Right-wing government doesn't need Liberman, poll shows. Retrieved June 12, 2019 .
  56. סקר "ישראל היום": 59 מנדטים לגוש הימין בלי ליברמן - לא ברור מי יוכל להקים ממשלה. Retrieved June 12, 2019 (Hebrew).
  57. סקר מעריב: הליכוד וליברמן מתחזקים, העבודה מתחת לאחוז החסימה. Retrieved June 12, 2019 .
  58. סקר: ליברמן מתחזק ל -9 מנדטים, איחוד של הליכוד וכולנו - 36. Retrieved June 12, 2019 (Hebrew).
  59. סקר כאן חדשות: ליברמן המרוויח הגדול, כחלון לא מוסיף מנדטים לליכוד. Retrieved June 12, 2019 .
  60. ^ TOI staff: Shaked's Yamina faction dissolves an hour after polls close. Retrieved September 22, 2019 (American English).
  61. ^ TOI staff: Netanyahu locks in right, Haredi parties, then urges unity coalition with Gantz. Retrieved September 22, 2019 (American English).
  62. Netanyahu wants grand coalition with Gantz . In:, September 19, 2019 (accessed on the same day).
  63. September 25, 2019: Netanyahu gets an additional seat, but remains behind Gantz on Israel Network
  64. Raoul Wootliff and TOI Staff: Rivlin tasks Netanyahu with forming next government after unity talks fail. September 25, 2019, accessed on September 25, 2019 .
  65. ^ After the election in Israel - Netanyahu is to form government. Tagesschau , September 25, 2019, accessed on September 25, 2019 .
  66. Jamina faction splits up. In: Israelnetz .de. October 10, 2019, accessed October 19, 2019 .
  67. ^ Israel: Netanyahu fails to form a government and gives back mandate . In: Spiegel Online . October 21, 2019 ( [accessed October 21, 2019]).
  68. Benjamin Netanyahu fails to form a government
  69. Jonathan Lis: Gantz Tasked With Forming Government After Netanyahu Failure. In: Haaretz . October 23, 2019, accessed October 24, 2019 .
  70. ↑ New election likely: Benny Gantz fails to form a government in Israel . In: Spiegel Online . November 20, 2019 ( [accessed November 20, 2019]).
  71. Now the Knesset is supposed to lift the stalemate in Israel. November 21, 2019, accessed on the same day.
  72. Christian Meier: Parliament votes for its dissolution. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . December 12, 2019, accessed December 12, 2019 .