Haifa Center for German and European Studies

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Haifa Center for German and European Studies
legal form Academic research institute
founding 2007
founder University of Haifa and DAAD
Seat University of Haifa , Israel
main emphasis Research and Academic Exchange
people Director: Prof. Eli Salzberger
Website http://hcges.haifa.ac.il

The Haifa Center for German and European Studies (HCGES) or "Center for German and European Studies" is a joint project of the University of Haifa and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

goals and tasks

The aim of the center, founded in 2007, is to convey a modern image of Germany to students, scientists and the general public.

Research and teaching related to Germany are to be intensified and supported at the University of Haifa. The focus of activities is on social, political, legal, economic and cultural developments and tendencies in Germany since 1945.

The center is integrated into the research department of the University of Haifa and works on an interdisciplinary basis with the humanities, social and legal faculties of the university. In addition, the center supports the activities of other faculties and departments at Haifa University, provided they have the same focus.


The HCGES actively supports research and research projects in various areas of German studies. The center awards grants to students (MA or PhD students) who deal with relevant topics relating to modern Germany in their work. Current research interests range from topics such as migration and the integration of immigrants to German educational policy to youth and violence .


The Haifa Center for German and European Studies (HCGES) bundles the teaching activities that take place at the University of Haifa with reference to Germany. Since October 2009 the center has offered an MA course for German and European studies .

public relation

The aim of the Haifa Center for German and European Studies (HCGES) is to bring today's Germany closer to the Israeli public. Through public events of various kinds, such as B. Readings, workshops, panel discussions, seminars and conferences. Previous events have dealt with questions of German identity and patriotism , with multiculturalism , with the aftermath of the 1968 generation, and the developments after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 as well as the culture of remembrance in Germany in relation to the Second World War and the Holocaust .

Individual evidence

  1. Homepage of the HCGES
  2. List of centers for German and European studies funded by the DAAD since 1991