Hainholz Verlag

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Hainholz in Göttingen is a book and music publisher founded in 1997 by Hans Hainholz with an affiliated antiquarian bookshop .

Hainholz-Verlag has been publishing since 1997 in the field of fiction (poetry and prose) as well as in various branches of science. There are several series, in particular with legal ( Göttingen studies on jurisprudence ), musicological , art historical and historiographical publications as well as research on the history of publishing houses.

In addition to specialist publications on the stalking phenomenon , Hainholz also published the complete editions of correspondence from visual artists and composers, including Traugott Maximilian Eberwein , Jakob Philipp Hackert , Peter Joseph von Lindpaintner , Andreas Romberg , Gaspare Spontini and Thomas Tailysbeck . Various compositions by Franz Danzi have also appeared there.

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