Collar algae

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Collar algae
without rank: Charophyta
Class : Ornamental algae (Zygnemophyceae)
Order : Ornamental algae (Desmidiales)
Family : Desmidiaceae
Genre : Bambusina
Type : Collar algae
Scientific name
Bambusina brebissonii
Kützing ex Kützing

The collar alga ( Bambusina brebissonii ) is a species of algae from the group of ornamental algae (Desmidiales).


The median constriction is almost non-existent. The cells are 25 to 30 micrometers long and 18 to 23 micrometers wide. They are circular when viewed from above. The individual cells are connected at the broad apex.


Bambusina brebissonii occurs in planktonic form in bog lakes and peat cuttings.

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