Commercial specialist

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Certified commercial specialist is a publicly recognized qualification at master's level , which is awarded after successfully completing industry- related commercial advancement training in accordance with the Vocational Training Act. The nationwide examination takes place on the basis of a special statutory ordinance before the examination board of a Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

Areas of work and tasks

Trade specialists take on qualified specialist and management tasks at the middle level in trading companies in the wholesale and retail trade.

Commercial specialists work in retail and wholesale companies in all sectors of the economy: in retail stores and chains, branch stores and branches, in specialist markets, department stores, at authorized dealers and branches, at trade and works agencies and in mail order companies.

Training content

Initially, there were no uniform national legal regulations for the further training examination to become a commercial specialist. However, the responsible chambers of industry and commerce have issued their own regulations. Since the advanced training to become a commercial specialist gained a high degree of widespread use - in 1995 there were 74 existing chamber regulations - a federal regulation was ultimately the obvious choice: On February 1, 2006, the nationwide regulation on the examination for the recognized qualification of Certified Commercial Specialist (HandelsfachwPrV) came into effect Kraft, which was replaced on January 1, 2015 by the ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification for Certified Commercial Specialist and Certified Commercial Specialist, which is still valid today .

The overall exam consists of two written and one oral exam. The first written sub-examination is divided into the areas of corporate management and control as well as leadership, personnel management, communication and cooperation . The second written sub-exam is divided into the areas of trade marketing as well as procurement and logistics . In addition, there is an optional subject in one of the areas of sales control , trade logistics , purchasing or foreign trade .

Details are set out in the DIHK framework plan for certified commercial specialist . Taking the exam is also considered a written exam in accordance with the Instructor Aptitude Ordinance. There are a number of overlaps between the departments procurement and logistics , retail logistics and purchasing .

Training duration

Exam preparation courses can be completed full-time or part-time and usually last between 3 and 24 months. However, participation in a course is not mandatory for admission to the examination.

In the meantime, there are training courses for high school graduates as part of an extended dual training , which lead in the first section to the final commercial examination (for example, to become a businessman in retail ) and in a further section to the examination to become a certified commercial specialist.

Exam admission requirements

Admission to the first written partial examination is anyone who has successfully passed a final examination in a recognized three-year commercial training occupation in trade and then at least one year of professional experience, a successfully passed final examination for a salesperson or in another recognized training profession and then at least two years of professional experience, a has successfully passed the final examination to become a warehouse clerk and then has at least three years of professional experience or at least five years of professional experience in retail. For the first time, the acquisition of at least 90 ECTS points in a business degree in connection with at least two years of professional experience is a prerequisite. These requirements must be met at the time of the examination. For admission to the second written part examination and the oral examination, proof of having passed the first written part examination must be provided.

Examination and completion

Duration: The two written partial exams are carried out on the basis of an operational description of the situation with the tasks derived from it. The processing time for the first part of the exam should be 240 minutes. For the second written sub-examination, it should be 300 minutes, 180 minutes of which are for the two compulsory subjects and 120 minutes for the elective subject.

In the written examination, the IHK provides a collection of formulas ; In addition to writing utensils and a non-programmable pocket calculator, participants are allowed to bring laws or collections of laws with them.

The oral part initially consists of a fifteen-minute presentation on a topic of your choice from one area of ​​activity from the first and second part of the examination. The exam participant must submit this topic to the examination board on the day of the second written sub-exam, along with a brief description. This is followed by a technical discussion lasting around 20 minutes.

After successfully completing all parts of the examination, the examining Chamber of Industry and Commerce awards the publicly recognized qualification as Certified Commercial Specialist . The public law degree belongs to the 2nd level of advanced training at the IHK.

Upon successful completion, each graduate receives the general university entrance qualification according to the resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Education of March 6, 2009 .

The DQR - the German Qualifications Framework - has been introduced in Germany since May 2013 . Here the IHK specialist is classified in level 6. Thus it is equivalent, but not of the same kind, such as e.g. the following degrees: Masters or Bachelor . With this introduction, a European process towards the EQF - European Qualifications Framework was completed.

Individual evidence

  1. Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification Certified Commercial Specialist / Certified Commercial Specialist (2006 to 2014)
  2. Ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification Certified Commercial Specialist and Certified Commercial Specialist (since 2015)
  3. Ed. DIHK, Berlin 2015; summarized overview in certified commercial specialist , Würzburg 2016.
  4. Ordinance on the examination for the recognized qualification Certified Commercial Specialist, Section 9
  5. Ordinance of May 13, 2014.
  6. Source: List of Aids 2016 of the DIHK
  7. University admission for professionally qualified applicants without a higher education entrance qualification (pdf; 22 kB)
  8. German Qualifications Framework: Current ( Memento of the original dated December 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

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