Hanna Mäntylä

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Hanna Mäntylä

Hanna Mäntylä (born September 19, 1974 in Lahti ) is a Finnish politician ( Blue Future ).


Mäntylä studied social sciences at the University of Lapland . From 2011 to 2017 she was a member of the Finnish parliament for the constituency of Lapland . Since May 29, 2015, she has been Minister for Social Affairs and Health in the Sipilä Cabinet . She gave up the office on August 24, 2016 because a close relative was ill and she wanted to take care of him, and she also needed more time for her children. Her successor is Pirkko Mattila .

In the 2011 and 2015 elections , she ran for the Perussuomalaiset ( True Finns , since 2012 The Finns ). After the party elected Jussi Halla-aho as its new chairman on June 10, 2017 , which was understood as a sharp shift to the right, Mäntylä resigned from the PS like all ministers of the party and other MPs. On June 13th they formed their own parliamentary group, and since November the party has been officially registered as the Blue Future.

On June 30, 2017, Mäntylä gave up her parliamentary seat to work for the Council of Europe in the future. Your successor Matti Torvinen also belongs to the Blue Future .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeri Hanna Mäntylä luopuu tehtävästään perhesyistä - tilalle Pirkko Mattila (Finnish), YLE, August 16, 2016, accessed December 19, 2017
  2. Hanna Mäntylä (Finnish), Finnish Parliament, accessed December 19, 2017