Hanni Münzer

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Hanni Muenzer (* 10. June 1965 in Wolfratshausen ) is a German Fiction - author . She became successful with the Seelenfischer tetralogy published as an e-book and the novel Honigtot published by Piper Verlag .


In 2013 she self- published her debut Die Seelenfischer as an e-book. The romantic thriller, which is mostly set in Italy, rose to number 1 on the Kindle charts and stayed at the top for seven weeks. The following volumes also became Kindle bestsellers. The soulsfisher tetralogy has since been sold over 310,000 times. Her novel Honigtot followed at the beginning of 2014 , which traces the fate of a family before and during the Second World War .

The success as a self-publisher and the mostly positive reader feedback on Amazon led to greater awareness (the FAZ and Der Tagesspiegel reported) and drew the attention of classic publishers to the “secret bestseller queen” according to Buchreport.de. In April 2015, Honey Dead was republished as a paperback by Piper Verlag . The audio book, read by Anne Moll , was published by Audiobook Hamburg.

Also in 2015, Münzer published the novel The Girl Behind the Mask again as an e-book in self-publishing . After working in Rome, Seattle and Stuttgart, Münzer lives with her husband in Bavaria.

Book publications

Audio books

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b The self-publishing industry is booming. Some earn a lot, the majority a few euros a month.
  2. ^ Homepage of Hanni Münzer
  3. Portrait of the FAZ
  4. Buchreport.de
  5. Münchner Merkur: In conversation with Hanni Münzer