Hans-Jürgen Scheringer

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Hans-Jürgen Scheringer († December 1942 ) was a Prussian district administrator .


Scheringer attended the Joachimsthaler Gymnasium. As a law student, he joined the Black Reichswehr early on and took part in the Küstriner putsch against Gustav Stresemann in 1923 . In 1931 he can be verified as a NSDAP member. In public administration he rose to the senior government council.

As the successor to Rudolf Kriele , he became provisional in October 1939 and from 1940 officially District Administrator in Sorau and worked in the Sorau district of the same name (Lausitz) . In the Second World War he was drafted as a tank grenadier for military service. He received the Second Class War Merit Cross and fell in December 1942.


  • Jonas Flöter: Education for the elite in Saxony and Prussia , p. 472.

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