Hans-Joachim Dellwo

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Hans-Joachim Dellwo (* 1951 ) is a German former terrorist in the Red Army faction . He is assigned to the second generation, was mainly active as a courier for the RAF and was sentenced to two years imprisonment in 1978 after extensive statements as a key witness for membership in a terrorist organization .


The trained industrial clerk Hans-Joachim Dellwo is the older brother of the former RAF member Karl-Heinz Dellwo .

Dellwo worked for the lawyer Klaus Croissant , who represented various members of the first generation of the RAF and was later convicted himself for supporting the RAF. Here he was active from 1975 to 1977 as a courier between the incarcerated RAF members whom Croissant was able to visit in the prisons and the wanted, still terrorist, second generation RAF members.

After the events of the so-called German Autumn and the suicides of the RAF leaders , Dellwo was arrested in October 1977. After his arrest, he distanced himself from the RAF. For him, a group whose "policy has been reduced to the liberation of prisoners" is "nothing other than a mad bunch".

Like his co-defendant Volker Speitel, Dellwo appeared as a key witness and made extensive statements. On December 14, 1978, Dellwo was sentenced to only two years in prison by the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court for supporting and membership in a terrorist organization due to his cooperation and already released from prison at the turn of the year 1978/79 because he had already received two thirds of the prison sentence through pre-trial detention had spent in prison. After his release from prison, he emigrated and lived in Canada under an assumed name .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Michael Sontheimer : "Of course you can shoot": A short history of the Red Army Faction - A SPIEGEL book, DVA, 2010 [1]
  2. Peter Henkel : Speitel and Hans-Joachim Dellwo renounce the RAF , Frankfurter Rundschau, November 18, 1978
  3. ^ Dellwo at large , Hamburger Abendblatt, January 7, 1979
  4. Peter Henkel: Mild judgments for Volker Speitel and Hans-Joachim Dellwo . In: Frankfurter Rundschau, December 15, 1978