Hans Detlef Stäcker

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Hans Detlef Stäcker (born May 22, 1923 in Uetersen ; † August 3, 2003 ) was a German politician and lawyer.

His law firm in Uetersen

Stäcker first attended the Ludwig-Meyn-Gymnasium in Uetersen. From 1946 to 1949 he studied law at the Universities of Hamburg and Kiel and took his first state examination in 1949. Stäcker was a trainee lawyer at various courts and authorities. In 1953 he passed his assessor examination and settled in Uetersen as a lawyer and later notary.

From 1941 he was a member of the NSDAP , from 1959 to 1969 the FDP and in 1969 he joined the CDU . From 1959 to 1982 he was a councilor in Uetersen. During this time Stäcker received the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon and was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit 1st class in 1983 . Hans Detlef Stäcker was also an elder in the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Parish of Uetersen, "Am Kloster" and member of the Synod of the Pinneberg Church District.

Hans Detlef Stäcker was a member of the Schleswig-Holstein Landtag for the 6th electoral term (from January 1968), the 7th electoral term , the 8th electoral term (1975) where he won the direct mandate in the Landtag constituency of Pinneberg-Elbmarschen and then also belonged to the 9th electoral term (1979).

Since October 16, 1970, he was also Parliamentary Representative of the Minister of Justice. At a CDU election rally, Stäcker called for the death penalty for violent political criminals.

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