Hans Detlev Prien

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Hans Detlev Prien (born August 1, 1766 in Preetz ; † September 25, 1831 there ) was a German innkeeper and botanist.

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Hans Detlev Prien was the son of an innkeeper of the same name (* around 1746; † February 19, 1812 in Preetz) and his wife Anna Dorothea, née Wörpel (* November 25, 1735 in Preetz; † July 25, 1802 there). The paternal grandparents were the Preetz blacksmith Hans Detlev Prien and Marie Elisabeth, née Prien. The maternal grandfather was Hans Wörpel.

Prien worked in Preetz as an innkeeper and district manager. Stimulated and supported by Georg Heinrich Weber from Kiel , he became known as an amateur botanist. He had a garden in which he grew and analyzed rare native and later also alpine plants and maintained contacts with many botanists and became a good botanist. Johannes Flügge made plants available to him and offered him the literature from which he studied the history of botany.

Prien found Sedum boloniense Loisel near Preetz . and experimented with cultures of Ranunculus reptans (ground buttercup). He realized that this was developing into Burning Buttercup . For this reason, he doubted that Ranunculus reptans was a plant in its own right. Ernst Ferdinand Nolte , who exchanged ideas with Prien, suppressed his findings. Only later botanists confirmed this thesis.

Prien collected portraits of botanists and namesake of plants. Later he also brought together pictures of princes, statesmen, generals, theologians, lawyers and astronomers. At the end of life, the collection consisted of almost 2800 pictures, 1270 of which were shown by botanists. This collection no longer exists today.

Prien was married to Dorothea Friederica Arwolina Fischer with no children.


  • Fritz Treichel: Prien, Hans Detlev . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 6 - 1982. ISBN 3-529-02646-8 , page 222.