Johannes Flügge

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Johannes Flügge , also Flüggé, (born June 22, 1775 in Hamburg , † June 28, 1816 in Barmbek ) was a German botanist. Its official botanical author's abbreviation is " Flüggé ".

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He was the son of Benedict Gilbert Flügge (1740–1792), pastor at the main church of St. Michaelis in Hamburg since 1770 . Flügge studied medicine and natural history in Jena, Vienna and Göttingen and was awarded a doctorate in Erlangen in 1800. phil. PhD. Even as a student he dealt intensively with botany. In Göttingen he was friends with the later chemistry professor Friedrich Stromeyer , with whom he undertook a botanical collecting trip to France (Pyrenees) in 1801 (which he continued alone to Italy), and with Heinrich Adolf Schrader . It was not least thanks to a submission from Flügge that Schrader took over the management of the Botanical Garden in Göttingen from Georg Franz Hoffmann . Flügge had previously been annoyed that Hoffmann refused him access to the botanical garden despite several requests, but Hoffmann's superiors were also dissatisfied with his management. In 1810, Flügge founded the first botanical garden in Hamburg as a stock company, which he quickly established thanks to excellent relationships with other botanists expanded. It was located outside the city on the Outer Alster and was completely destroyed by Napoleonic troops only three years later in 1813 during the siege of Hamburg during the French era . After Flügge's death, Johann Georg Christian Lehmann founded a new botanical garden in Hamburg in 1821.

He described a number of sweet grasses (Poaceae) for the first time. The Phyllanthaceae genus Flueggaea is named after him.

Johannes Flügge was married, his son August died on December 3, 1839 in the Schleswig district.

A diary with entries about his trip to France is in the library of the Botanical Garden in Hamburg. Flügge's brother Benedict Gilbert (1777-1821) was a merchant and wine merchant (from 1804 in Kiel and also in Bordeaux).


The genus Flueggea Willd is named after Flüggé . from the family of the Phyllanthaceae .



References and comments

  1. The spelling of the surname with an accent on the letter e is on the title of his book Graminum Monographiae , 1810. This is followed by the International Plant Names Index (IPNI).
  2. Flügge (Benedikt Gilbert), in: Johann Georg Meusel : First addendum to the fourth edition of the learned Teuschland , Lemgo 1786, p. 171, digitizedhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3DgIVLAAAAcAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3DPA171~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D .
  3. Günther Beer, An Idea of ​​the Geography of Plants - or "In the Shadow of Alexander von Humboldt", Dr. med. Friedrich Stromeyer and his letters from France 1801–1802 to his family in Göttingen , Museum of Göttingen Chemistry, Museum Letter No. 18, 1999, pdf
  4. No. 176 New non-profit foundations in Hamburg , Tuesday, July 24th, in: Morgenblatt für educated stands , 4th year, July, 1810 p. 702, digitizedhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3DgvE-AQAAMAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3DPA702~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D .
  5. Allgemeine Zeitung Munich , No. 44, February 13, 1840, p. 350
  6. Dr. Johannes Flügge and the first botanical garden in Hamburg .
  7. The brother Benedict Gilbert Flügge temporarily ran a wine trade in the company "Graepel et Flügge" (source: Hamburg address book for the year 1803, fourth section, p. 79). He was married to Modesta Louise Graepel. He died on August 15, 1821. (Source: Beylage No. 194 [Staats und schelte Zeitung des] Hamburgischen impartial correspondent of December 5, 1821.)
  8. Lotte Burkhardt: Directory of eponymous plant names . Extended Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Free University Berlin Berlin 2018. [1]

Web links

  • Plants collected by Flügge, Cistus crispus CATALOG Herbarium of University of Coimbra (Portugal)