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Antidesma bunius, illustration

Antidesma bunius , illustration

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Eurosiden I
Order : Malpighiales (Malpighiales)
Family : Phyllanthaceae
Scientific name

The Phyllanthaceae are a family in the order of the Malpighiales (Malpighiales) within the flowering plants (Magnoliopsida). The 56 to 60 genera with 1745 to 2000 species have a pantropical distribution.


Appearance and leaves

They are herbaceous plants , shrubs or trees . The leaves are arranged in two rows or spirals, often they are reduced. When the leaves are reduced, the branches are transformed into phyllocladia and take over photosynthesis ( e.g. Phyllanthus ). There are stipules present.

Inflorescences, flowers, fruits and seeds

The small flowers are always separate sexes. The species are mostly single-sexed ( monoecious ), only in the genus Antidesma are they dioecious and separate-sexed ( dioecious ). There are two to eight (rarely twelve) sepals present. There are usually five petals or they are missing. The male flowers contain 2 to 35 stamens . The female flowers are two to five (up to 15) carpels an ovary grown or is it just a carpel present. The capsule fruits often open explosively and contain large seeds.


The plants accumulate aluminum ions (Al).

Systematics and distribution

The family Phyllanthaceae previously had the rank of a subfamily Phyllanthoideae within the family of the milkweed family (Euphorbiaceae). In the past, the genera Centroplacus , Paradrypetes and Phyllanoa were placed in the Phyllanthaceae. Today Centroplacus belonged to the Centroplacaceae , Paradrypetes to the Rhizophoraceae and the former genus Phyllanoa within the genus Rinorea to the Violaceae .

The Phyllanthaceae family has a pantropical distribution. About 19 genera occur in the Neotropic .

According to Hoffmann et al. In 2006 the family of Phyllanthaceae is divided into two subfamilies, ten tribe and contains 56 to 60 genera with 1745 to 2000 species:

Tribus Antidesmateae, Subtribus Antidesmatinae: leaves and fruits of Antidesma platyphyllum
Tribus Bischofieae: leaves and fruits of Bischofia javanica
Tribus Scepeae: inflorescence of Richeria grandis
Uapaceae tribe: Uapaca kirkiana
Tribe Bridelieae: inflorescence of Amanoa congesta with flower in detail
Tribus Bridelieae: leaves and fruits of Bridelia leichhardtii
Tribe Bridelieae: Cleistanthus collinus
Tribe Phyllantheae: The cultivar Breynia disticha 'Minima' with variegated leaves
Tribe Phyllantheae: habitus of Flueggea virosa
Tribe Phyllantheae: Habitus and phyllocladia of Phyllanthus arbuscula with flowers on the phyllocladia
Tribe Poranthereae: Actephila collinsae
Tribe Poranthereae: Andrachne telephioides
  • Subfamily Antidesmatoideae Hurusawa (Syn .: Antidesmataceae Loudon , Aporosaceae Planchon , Bischofiaceae Airy Shaw , Hymenocardiaceae Airy Shaw , Scepaceae Lindl. , Stilaginaceae C.Agardh , Uapacaceae Airy Shaw ): It contains about 22 genera:
Tribe Antidesmateae Benth. : It contains five subtribes with about 9 genera:
  • Subtribe Antidesmatinae:
  • Antidesma L. (syn .: Bestram . Adans , Coulejia Dennst. , Minutalia Fenzl , Rhytis Lour. , Rubina Noronha , Stilago L. ): The approximately 100 species are Palaeotropical common.
  • Thecacoris A. Juss. (Syn .: Baccaureopsis Pax , Cyathogyne Müll.Arg. , Henribaillonia Kuntze ): The 19 or so species occur in tropical Africa and Madagascar.
  • Subtribe Hieronyminae:
  • Hieronyma Allemão (Syn .: Hieronima Allemão , Hyeronima Allemão , Stilaginella Tul. ): It contains about 22 species that occur from Mexico to tropical South America.
  • Subtribe Hymenocardiinae:
  • Didymocistus Kuhlm. : It contains only one type:
  • Hymenocardia Wall. ex Lindl. : It contains about six species found in Africa and tropical Asia.
  • Subtribe Leptonematinae:
  • Leptonema A. Juss. : The only two species occur in Madagascar.
  • Subtribus Martretiinae:
  • Apodiscus Hutch. : It contains only one type:
  • Martretia Beille  : It contains only one species:
  • Without assignment to a subtribe:
  • Chonocentrum Pierre ex Pax & K.Hoffm. It contains only one type:
Tribus Bischofieae Hurus. : It contains only one genus:
  • Bischofia Blume (Syn .: Microelus Wight & Arn. , Stylodiscus Benn. ): The only two species occur from South and East Asia to the South Pacific.
Tribe Jablonskieae Petra Hoffm. : It contains only two genera:
  • Celianella Jabl. : It contains only one type:
  • Jablonskia G.L.Webster : It contains only one species:
  • Jablonskia congesta (Benth. Ex Müll.Arg.) GLWebster : It thrives mainly along watercourses and in the rainforests only in the Amazon region in South America; in the Guyanas and the southwestern Amazon basin to Peru.
Tribe Scepeae Horan. :
  • Aporosa flower (Syn .: Aporusa flower , Leiocarpus flower , Lepidostachys Wall. , Scepa Lindl. , Tetractinostigma Hassk. ): The approximately 90 species occur in tropical Asia and China.
  • Ashtonia Airy Shaw : The only two species occur in Southeast Asia.
  • Baccaurea Lour. (Syn .: Adenocrepis Blume , Calyptroon Miq. , Coccomelia Reinw. , Everettiodendron Merr. , Gatnaia Gagnep. , Hedycarpus Jack , Microsepala Miq. , Pierardia Roxb. Ex Jack ): The approximately 50 species come from tropical Asia to the Southwest Pacific and occur until China.
  • Distichirhops Haegens : The three or so species occur on Borneo and New Guinea.
  • Maesobotrya Benth. (Syn .: Staphysora Pierre ): The approximately 18 species occur in tropical Africa.
  • Nothobaccaurea Haegens : The only two species occur between the Solomon Islands and the Fiji islands.
  • Protomegabaria Hutch .: The only three species occur in Africa
  • Richeria Vahl (Syn .: Bellevalia Roem. & Schult. , Guarania Wedd. Ex Baill. ): It contains about five species that occur in Central and South America and in the Caribbean.
Tribus Spondiantheae GLWebster :
  • Spondianthus Engl. (Syn .: Megabaria Pierre ex Hutch. ): It contains only one species:
Tribus Uapaceae Hutch. :
  • Uapaca Baill. (Syn .: Canariastrum Engl. ): It contains about 30 species that are native to tropical Africa and Madagascar. Including:
  • Uapaca mole Pax : From Central to West Africa to Uganda, Tanzania
  • Subfamily Phyllanthoideae Beilschmied : It contains 36 to 39 genera:
Tribus Bridelieae Müll.Arg. :
  • Subtribe Amanoinae:
  • Amanoa Aubl. (Syn .: Micropetalum Poit. Ex Baill. ): It contains about 16 species found in tropical America and tropical Africa.
  • Subtribe Keayodendrinae:
  • Keayodendron Leandri : It contains only one species:
  • Subtribe Pseudolachnostylidinae:
  • Bridelia Willd. (Syn .: Candelabria Hochst. , Gentilia A. Chev. & Beille , Neogoetzia Pax , Pentameria Klotzsch ex Baill. , Tzellemtinia Chiov. ): It contains about 50 species.
  • Cleistanthus Hook. f. ex planch. (Syn .: Clistanthus Post & Kuntze , Godefroya Gagnep. , Kaluhaburunghos Kuntze , Lebidiera Baill. , Lebidieropsis refuse. Arg. , Leiopyxis Miq. , Nanopetalum Hassk. , Paracleisthus Gagnep. , Schistostigma Lauterb. , Stenonia Baill. , Stenoniella Kuntze , Zenkerodendron Gilg ex Jabl. ): With about 140 species
  • Pentabrachion Garbage. Arg . : It contains only one type:
  • Pseudolachnostylis Pax : it contains only one species:
  • Subtribe Saviinae:
  • Discocarpus Klotzsch : The four or so species are common in tropical South America.
  • Croizatia Steyerm. : With five species that occur between Panama and Ecuador.
  • Gonatogyne Klotzsch ex Müll. Arg . : It contains only one type:
  • Heterosavia (Urb.) Petra Hoffm. : With four species that are found in Florida and the Caribbean.
  • Savia Willd. (Syn .: Kleinodendron L.B. Sm. & Downs , Maschalanthus Nutt. ): Of the only two species, one occurs from south-eastern and southern Brazil to Paraguay and the other from Mexico via the Caribbean to Venezuela.
  • Tacarcuna hoof : The only three species occur in Panama, Venezuela and Peru.
  • Subtribe Securineginae:
Tribe Phyllantheae Dumort. :
  • Breynia J.R. Forst . & G.Forst. (Syn .: Foersteria Scop. , Forsteria Steud. , Melanthes Blume , Melanthesa Blume , Melanthesopsis Müll.Arg. ): The 33 or so species come from tropical and subtropical Asia to the southwestern Pacific and on Réunion .
  • Flueggea Willd. (Syn .: Bessera Spreng. , Colmeiroa Reut. , Geblera Fisch. & CAMey. , Neowawraea Rock , Pleiostemon Sond. , Richeriella Pax & K.Hoffm. , Villanova Pourr. Ex Cutanda ): The approximately 16 species come in the tropics and Subtropics before. Including:
  • Glochidion J.R. Forst. & G.Forst. (Syn .: Agyneia L. , Bradleia Cav. , Bradleja Banks ex Gaertn. , Coccoglochidion K.Schum. , Diasperus Kuntze , Episteira Raf. , Glochidionopsis Blume , Glochisandra Wight , Gynoon Juss. , Lobocarpus Wight & Arn. , Pseudoglochidion Gamble , Tetraglochidion K.Schum. , Zarcoa Llanos ): The approximately 320 species are distributed from tropical and subtropical Asia to the Pacific region.
  • Lingelsheimia Pax : The approximately six species occur in Africa and Madagascar.
  • Margaritaria L. f. (Syn .: Calococcus Kurz ex Teijsm. , Prosorus Dalzell , Wurtzia Baill. , Zygospermum Thwaites ex Baill. ): The approximately 13 species are distributed in the tropics and subtropics.
  • Phyllanthus L. (Syn .: Anisonema A.Juss. , Aporosella Chodat , Arachnodes Gagnep. , Ardinghalia Comm. Ex Juss. , Asterandra Klotzsch , Cathetus Lour. , Ceramanthus Hassk. , Chorisandra Wight , Cicca L. , Clambus Miers , Conami Aubl . , Dendrophyllanthus S.Moore , Dicholactina Hance , Dimorphocladium Britton , Emblica Gaertn. , Epistylium Sw. , Eriococcus Hassk. , Fluggeopsis K.Schum. , Geminaria Raf. , Genesiphylla L'Hér. , Hemicicca Baill. , Hemiglochidion (Müll. Arg .) K.Schum. , Hexadena Raf. , Hexaspermum Domin , Kirganelia Juss. , Leichhardtia F.Muell. , Lomanthes Raf. , Maborea Aubl. , Macraea Wight , Menarda Comm. Ex Juss. , Mirobalanus Burm. , Moeroris Raf. , Nellica Raf. , Niruri Adans. , Nymania K.Schum. , Nymphanthus Lour. , Orbicularia Baill. , Oxalistylis Baill. , Ramsdenia Britton , Reidia Wight , Reverchonia A. Gray , Rhopium Schreb. , Roigia Britton , Scepasma Blume , Staurothylax Griff. , Synexemia Raf. , Tricarium Lour. , Uranthera Pax & K.Hoffm. , Urinaria Medik. , Willi amia Baill. , Xylophylla L. ): It contains 880–1270 species with phyllocladia : It is widespread in the tropics and subtropics.
  • Plagiocladus Jean F. Brunel : It contains only one species:
  • Sauropus Blume (Syn .: Aalius Lam. Ex Kuntze , Breyniopsis Beille , Ceratogynum Wight , Diplomorpha Griff. , Heterocalymnantha Domin , Ibina Noronha , Synastemon F.Muell. , Synostemon F.Muell. ): The approximately 70 species are from the western Indian Ocean Widespread to tropical Asia and Australia.
Tribus Poranthereae Grüning :
  • Actephila flower (Syn .: Anomospermum Dalzell , Lithoxylon Endl. ): The approximately 30 species are distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia and in the southwestern Pacific region.
  • Andrachne L. (Syn .: Eraeliss Forssk. , Thelypotzium Gagnep. ): The approximately 22 species occur from the Mediterranean region and Cape Verde to the Himalayas, but also in the Caribbean, Mexico and Peru.
  • Leptopus Decne. (Syn .: Andrachne (Endl.) Pojark. , Hexakestra Hook. F. , Hexakistra Hook. F. ): There are about nine species from the Caucasus to China and Malesia.
  • Meineckia Baill. (Syn .: Cluytiandra Müll.Arg. , Neopeltandra Gamble , Peltandra Wight , Zimmermannia Pax , Zimmermanniopsis Radcl.-Sm. ): It contains about 30 species that occur from tropical Africa to India and from Mexico to Brazil.
  • Notoleptopus Voronts. & Petra Hoffm. : It contains only one type:
  • Phyllanthopsis (Scheele) Voronts. & Petra Hoffm. : The only two types are found in the United States and Mexico.
  • Poranthera Rudge (including Oreoporanthera Hutch. ): It contains around 15 species that occur in Australia and New Zealand.
  • Pseudophyllanthus (Müll. Arg.) Voronts. & Petra Hoffm. : It contains only one type:
Tribe Wielandieae Baill. ex hurus. : It contains two subtribes with about ten genera:
  • Subtribe Astrocasiinae:
  • Astrocasia B.L. Rob . & Millsp. : The roughly six species occur in Central and South America.
  • Chascotheca Urb. (Syn .: Chaenotheca Urb. ): The only two types occur on Cuba and Hispaniola .
  • Heywoodia Sim : It only contains one species:
  • Subtribus Wielandiinae: It contains three genera:
  • Chorisandrachne Airy Shaw : It contains only one species:
  • Dicoelia Benth. : The only two western species occurring in Malesia is one only native to Borneo and the other only to Sumatra.
  • Wielandia Baill. (Syn .: Blotia Leandri , Charidia Baill. , Petalodiscus Baill. ): The approximately 13 species occur in tropical East Africa and in the area of ​​the western Indian Ocean.


Individual evidence

  1. Phyllanthaceae in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved October 17, 2019.
  2. Rafaël Govaerts (ed.): Phyllanthaceae. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved October 17, 2019.

Web links

Commons : Phyllanthaceae  - collection of images, videos and audio files