Hans Dolf

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Hans Dolf (born April 27, 1897 in Graz ; † June 26, 1967 there ) was an Austrian actor and radio drama speaker , whose speaking role as Inspector Leitner in the series Who is the perpetrator? of Austrian Broadcasting (see also the history of radio in Austria ).


Dolf graduated from the Graz commercial academy and served in the Austro-Hungarian army during the First World War . After the war he hired himself out in an insurance company and also devoted himself to acting. During the Second World War he served in the Wehrmacht of the German Reich. After the war he was able to gain a foothold at the Schauspielhaus Graz . From the late 1940s he worked as "Inspector Leitner", although he was not actually intended for this role in the first episode. In 1964 Dolf published a study on the Graz poet Rudolf Hans Bartsch . Dolf died the day after the 98th broadcast of Who is the culprit?
