Hans Gruijters

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Hans Gruijters at the party congress in March 1974 in Tiel

Johannes Petrus Adrianus (Hans) Gruijters (born June 30, 1931 in Helmond , † April 17, 2005 in Lelystad ) was a Dutch politician .

Hans Gruijters studied at the University of Amsterdam and was a co-founder of the D66 party in 1966 , for which he was the Minister for Housing and Regional Planning in the Den Uyl cabinet from 1973 to 1977 . He was later mayor of Lelystad for sixteen years .

In 2004 he left the D66 in a dispute.


  • Klaas Tammes: Een verdwaalde intellectueel. Hans Gruijters (1931–2005), Kroegbaas, oprichter D'66, minister in het kabinet-Den Uyl, first burgemeester van Lelystad. Prometheus, Amsterdam 2020, ISBN 978-90-446-4129-5 .

Web links

Commons : Hans Gruijters  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files