Hans Hauck (organ builder)

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Hans Hauck (also Hans Haug ; † after 1522 ) was a German organ builder in Warmia and Danzig .

life and work

Hans Hauck's last name suggests a possible family origin from southern Germany. Hans Hauck lived in Konitz in Polish Prussia . In 1506 he built an organ for the Frauenburg Cathedral and in 1509 for the St. Katharinenkirche in Braunsberg , both in the Hochstift Warmia . The disposition with 25 registers of the latter is known in a record from 1652, as the oldest written evidence of this type in all of Prussia.

Between 1518 and 1522 built Hauck a large and a small organ for the church of St. Peter and Paul in Gdansk and 1522, a positive for the local St. Mary's Church , he repaired to the Great Organ, the thirteen years earlier by Blasius Lehmann had been built. His works represent the transition from the Gothic blockwork to the Renaissance organ.


  • Werner Renkewitz, Jan Janca : History of organ building in East and West Prussia from 1333 to 1944. Weidlich, Würzburg 1984. S. 28f.

Individual evidence

  1. Werner Renkewitz, Jan Janca: History of the art of organ building in East and West Prussia from 1333 to 1944. Weidlich, Würzburg 1984. P. 28.
  2. Original text in: Wiktor Z. Łynak: Prawda i falsz o zabytkowych organach katedry w Fromborku. [Truth and lie about the historic organ in the Frauenburg Cathedral] . In: Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie . No. 3. 1996. pp. 409-425, here pp. 421f., Briefly also in p. 410f., Cf. P. 425 (German) PDF
  3. ^ Douglas E. Bush, Richard Kassel (ed.): The Organ. To Encyclopedia . Routledge, New York / London 2006, ISBN 0-415-94174-1 , pp. 158 .