Hans Miesch

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Hans Miesch (born May 27, 1918 in Basel ; † September 22, 1993 ) was a Swiss diplomat .


Miesch completed a law degree and received his doctorate as Dr. jur. from. He entered the diplomatic service and on December 24, 1946, he became a legation attaché in the Foreign Ministry, the Federal Political Department , where he was from 1947 to 1949 a consultant for financial and transport matters and, in particular, a commissioner for war damage and occupation damage and the protection of interests in Eastern Europe there Legal Directorate. He then became a lawyer in the Political Department on September 1, 1950, and from February 5, 1952 to February 27, 1953, was a member of the Swiss delegation at the London Debt Conference as secretary. During this time he was promoted to Secretary of the Legation on June 1, 1952, and Secretary of the First Class on January 21, 1955.

Afterwards Miesch was first secretary of the embassy in the Netherlands in 1956 , where he was embassy secretary until 1959 after being raised to the embassy . After his return he was first deputy chief on January 10, 1959 and finally, from December 28, 1960, first deputy chief of the Administrative Affairs Section in the Political Department. He then found between December 1, 1963 and 1967 use as counselor at the embassy in Japan , where he was head of the Department of Economic Affairs since 1964. He then acted from January 26, 1968 to 1973 as Deputy Head of the Political Directorate of the Political Department and was also head of the East Section there. There he was promoted to Minister on September 3, 1969, and on December 16, 1969, he was appointed a member of the European Security Conference Working Group, which was responsible for preparing the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE).

On January 24, 1973 Miesch became the first Swiss ambassador to the GDR and held this office until January 21, 1977, after which Friedrich Schnyder became his successor there. He then took over on February 26, 1977 by Richard Pestalozzi as ambassador to Kenya and was also as such a representative in Burundi , Malawi , Uganda and Rwanda accredited . During this time he also attended the state funeral of the first President of Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta , on August 29, 1978 . He held the post of ambassador to Kenya until December 20, 1980 and was then replaced by Paul Jaccaud .

Most recently, Miesch succeeded Etienne Serra as ambassador to Ireland on February 1, 1981, and remained there until he retired on May 31, 1983, whereupon René Serex became his successor.

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  • The Swiss legation in Berlin. With an article about Ambassador Hans Miesch p.375-390 and his head chef Peter Gross p.370-374. History of a difficult diplomatic post. NZZ Libro, Zurich 1997, ISBN 3-85823-683-7 .