Hans Scharold

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Hans Scharold (born January 28, 1881 ; † 1960 ) was a German teacher.


From 1910 Scharold taught at high schools in Burghausen and Munich. From September 1945 he was director of the Maximiliansgymnasium in Munich for three months , where he had been teaching as a sports seminar teacher from 1934. In 1948 he retired as a senior teacher .

He is the author of several school books and was an advisor to the Bavarian State Ministry for Education and Culture in school book matters.



  • Wolfgang Jacobmeyer: The German school history book 1700 - 1945. The first epoch of its genre history in the mirror of the forewords , Volume 1, Eckert. Contributions 2013/1

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andreas Schwerd - biography . Website of the Maximiliansgymnasium.
  2. Dr. Ludwig Voit - biography . Website of the Maximiliansgymnasium.