Hans Ulrich Bambauer

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Hans Ulrich Bambauer (born May 18, 1929 in today's Idar-Oberstein ) is a German mineralogist and petrologist.

Bambauer studied mineralogy from 1950 at the universities of Münster , Mainz and Zurich . In 1955 he obtained his diploma in Mainz, was an assistant there and received his doctorate in 1957 under Ernst Baier ( on the petrography of the Permian magmatites of the Nahemulde. The area between Idarbach and Siesbachtal near Idar-Oberstein ). Then he worked in the industry in Idar-Oberstein. From 1958 he was at the ETH Zurich with Fritz Laves , where he qualified as a professor in 1961 ( relationships between trace element contents, color centers and regional distribution of quartz from fractures in the Swiss Alps ). Afterwards he was lecturer and curator of the mineralogical collection there. In 1965 he became professor of mineralogy at the University of Münster. He refused calls to Mainz and Erlangen.

Bambauer dealt with quartz, feldspars, indicator minerals for metamorphosis in the central Alps, borates in glass, environmental mineralogy, gemology, petrography of igneous rocks of the Permian in the Saar-Nahe basin. Bambauer quartz are named after him.

He researched processes for the immobilization of pollutants in flue gas cleaning residues, for which he received the Georg Agricola Medal.

From 1973 to 1988 he was the editor of Advances in Mineralogy , which then went up in the European Journal of Mineralogy, in whose founding he was involved on the German side.

Since 1988 he has been an honorary member of the German Mineralogical Society , whose Georg Agricola Medal he received in 1997. In 1988 he became Vice President of the European Mineralogical Association and in 1983 Vice President of the French Mineralogical Society. He is a Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America . In 1962 he received the Max Berek Prize of the German Mineralogical Society and in 1989 the Océ vd Grinten Prize for environmental protection.


  • Editing with Franz Taborszky, Hans Dieter Trochim by Walter Ehrenreich Tröger : Optical determination of rock-forming minerals , 2 volumes, Schweizerbeard, Stuttgart, Volume 1 Determination tables, 5th edition, 1982, Volume 2 text volume, 2nd edition 1969
  • with RL Parker Mineralienkunde , Ott Verlag, Thun 1975
  • Editor Environmental Mineralogy. Radiation Mineralogy , Advanced Mineralogy, Volume 3, Springer Verlag 1998

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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Dates of birth according to Ludwig Degener, Walter Habel (ed.) Who is who? 2001.
  2. Bambauer quartz. In: Mineralienatlas Lexikon. Stefan Schorn u. a., accessed on August 5, 2018 .
  3. ^ Georg Agricola Medal, laudation