Harald Justin

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Harald Justin (* 1956 in Oberhausen ) is a German-Austrian journalist and author


Harald Justin studied German in Frankfurt, art history, journalism and education in Münster and Bochum. He started working as a literary and music critic for the Munsteraner Stadtblatt in 1982, alongside Jürgen Kehrer, Christian Thomas, Holger Jenrich, Martin Jürgens and Friederike Wappler. Since it was founded in 1987, he has been a member of the editorial team and from 1998 as deputy editor-in-chief of the team of Jazzthetik magazine . He has lived in Vienna since 2008 and initially worked as an editor for the Austrian magazine Jazzzeit, which was discontinued in 2009 .

He was a member of the jury at the discontinued European Jazz Award , is a member of the jury of the best song list of German-speaking songwriters from Germany, Austria, Belgium and Switzerland, which has existed since 1983 and who ran the SWF and SWR until 2003 and which is now run by Deutschsprachige Musik eV will be carried. He has been a member of the “Liedermacher” jury of the German Record Critics' Prize since 2018 .

Under the pseudonym “Adrian Wolfen” he has been writing the longest-serving German-language music column “Blue Man's Corner” on blues for the magazine Akustik Guitar since 1996 . He is the Austria correspondent for the world music magazine Folker .

As a journalist, he has made technical contributions to art historians such as Aby Warburg and Max Raphael and social scientists such as Ernest Borneman, both in book publications, book chapters and in relevant magazines such as Konkret  and in daily media such as Die Junge  Welt .


  • Dance me Hitler. Art history and (fascist) rule. The development of an idea, exemplified by the theory and practice of prominent art historians under National Socialism, Münster 1982
  • The Duc de Berry's books of hours, Dortmund 1982
  • with Nils Plath , pickup. Popular music in use, Münster 2000
  • A Wop Bopa Loo Bap A Lop Bam Boom in the cathedral. Or how the Anabaptists Little Richard and he taught us to dance, Löhrbach 2002
  • with Christina Bacher (ed.), Jazz in Crime. Calendar for crime literature, Münster 2007
  • Well guessed. The Münster Quiz, Münster 2009

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Rauhut / Reinhard Lorenz (eds.), I've had the blues a little longer. Traces of a music in Germany, Berlin 2008, p. 378.
  2. Song best list, [1] .
  3. ^ Prize of the German Record Critics, [2] .
  4. See for example: Chomsky and the Tofuburger "Leuchten". The new album by Lukas Meister , Junge Welt, July 25, 2019.