Harald Koller

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Harald Koller (* around 1960) is an Austrian national table tennis player from the 1970s.


Harald Koller became Austrian youth champion in 1978 both in doubles with Hans Christian Kubitschka and in mixed with Barbara Wiltsche . In 1977 he represented Austria at the World Cup, in 1978 he was nominated for the European Championship. He never came close to medal ranks. In 1978 he was ranked fourth in Austria.

Harald Koller played in the clubs ATUS Miller Traismauer (until 1977), SV Raiffeisen Langenlois (1978-1980) and SC Sitzenberg / Reidling.

Individual evidence

  1. In January 1977 Harald Koller was 16 years old according to the magazine DTS , 1977/1 page 27
  2. a b NOETTLV_Nachrichten_1978-04.pdf Pages 8-10 (accessed on June 8, 2020)